• Perhaps you have some cartilage that is lose at the joint and the friction is causing this sound to happen. I suggest you go to a podiatrist and get this checked out. you may need a simple operation to correct this problem. Good luck.
  • I have the same problem, except I have excruciating pain in the joint. I have "turf toe" while playing baseball, and it's a nagging injury that heals very slowly. Here, check this out... Maybe that's what you have too.
  • this isnt an answer but my toe does that too and idk why i put my foot in a weird way and bend it and it starts cracking
  • Mine does the same thing, only my left big toe. It cracks everytime I bend it. It must be crazy! lol! Oh well, it drives my husband bananas when he's trying to go to sleep. On a serious note, if it bothers you that much, go to the doc. Good luck:) M-dog

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