• It really should be mainstream by now, but sadly it isn't. :(
  • negative
  • Negative. I am against it because I believe the Bible. I have a deep respect for women, but I hate feminism as much as any other sin. Feminism usually leads to Lesbianism, too. I believe that a man should be a man and a woman should be a woman, not the other way around as we see much of today. I hope that this helps. :) -In the service of the Master. Thank you and God bless you!
  • hypocritical
  • its only logical.
  • Don't thet thar thaing got sumpin' ta do with the wimmen folk? Wull, hayul! Ah luvs the wimmen! Ain't no ole boy luvs the wimmen more'n me! You ken jist ax any o' the gals in the holler round hyar! Ax'em if'n Tom ain't a good ole boy! Ah takes good care o' all of'em! Ah braings'em fresh fish, fresh possum, and gives'em the best cuts o' the deer meat ah shoots. Ah fixes thar roofs after a storm and mends thar fences when the cows bust thru. And ah don't never ax nuthin frum'em. Whut ah gits, they gives me on theys own account....(wink)
  • I agree with a lot of their arguments, but some of the extreme ones you get go too far, and always bang on and use men as an excuse for everything.
  • Considering that feminism is simply an advocacy for equal rights for women and political, social, and economic equality of the sexes, I think that it is clearly a very good thing. Furthermore, I think the people who oppose it are sexist bigots (infact to oppose equal rights for women is by definition sexist bigotry), no matter what source of justification they try to bring up. These bigots are well beyond filth, and I sincerely hope that they never get the oppurtunity to act on their disgusting views.
  • Well I am in a situation in which I was born and raised by friends and family NOT to be a feminist, but luckily I realized how often society is wrong, how messed up and distorted things really are, and how the low-level, powerful people have corrupted men and women throughout history. Today there are a lot of things that are TRULY unequal and unfair, whether you consider to believe it or not. Women are challenged with being called "hypocrites" for wanting to be treated like a lady as well as have equal rights and being feminists. Well guess what. Everyone should be treated like a lady, not just women. If you are treating me differently because you are sexually attracted to me, I'm against it unless I'm interested in you, in which I would then permit you to treat me with this unfair advantage. But if you were taught to be more polite to women, be polite to everyone. That's feminism too. I'm not going to settle for any more jerks who prematurely write off emotions and spirituality because they are considered feminine traits. They are vital in our search for truth as well as the well-being of humans as a whole. I've noticed that the bad guys, and the bad girls, get way more credit than they deserve. When I say bad, I mean shallow, stupid, caught up in society, ignorant, solely sexually motivated, spiritually uninvolved, and materialistic. Even experts, the media, elitists, and anyone accredited often gets more credit than they deserve by the rest of us. They are the ones that everyone (who are absolutely also corrupt) seem to admire and want to be like. Yikes, a lot of the time. It is imperative that all people become more educated on what feminism REALLY is. That's how good changes are made. All feminism really is is the recognition of the wrongness in patriarchy, and the wrongness in sexism. But I think men are afraid of the power of women, and that's why they ensure that many of us stay oppressed, insecure, and defenseless. If men became feminists, which eventually will ultimately be the norm for everyone, women will be given more pure love and respect, not just for sexual reasons. In turn, they will then be able to show men and women what real love is as well. Many women seem to have no love for other women because of patriarchy and the fear it has instilled inside us. A fear that keeps us competing against, instead of loving one another. Love has no boundaries. It isn't just for the right person. Love can and should be given to everyone. But it isn't. We keep it hidden. We are the only one who can change this too. But many of us aren't. I was told that this is what will end things like terrorism and hatred: the widespread release of love, to everyone. Why must it be so impossible folks? We all can evolve while being loved by pure people, and we can spread pure love immensely, which could cure us of almost all of our problems. That's why we women are so beautiful. We are where hope and perfection resides. If we are oppressed, then our purpose is probably lost, we generally only give ourselves to one person, who may or may not be the right one, and we will remain hidden from the truth and will never realize our true potential. If many of us still think men are pigs and women are bitches, then something IS TERRIBLY WRONG! This isn't a joke! Socks will be hitting the fan in more ways than one. Feminism isn't limited to the centralized focus and movements that have happened in the past. It's not a bunch of angry lesbians, and being a feminist wont turn you into one if you are straight. But me, personally being straight, am facing the challenge of finding a decent guy, that will earn my respect and love, and so far I've met more women worthy of it. It makes me feel hopeless in men altogether. I want to change. Will you help? I don't care how much money he has, who he's friends with, what he does, what he knows, and how highly he thinks of himself. I don't care what he puts out onto the table. If he isn't true to himself and to me, isn't a feminist, hasn't questioned almost everything, or is constantly trying to feed his ego, then forget it. ATTENTION ALL PEOPLE: TURN A NEW LEAF! Women of all ages are having problems in this sexist and patriarchal society. It's hurtful and oppressive. But many people fail to understand. Men don't want to acknowledge how terrible they've been, so they make the feminist women look like the assholes. And they educate other men and women into thinking that feminists are undesirable, which is another problem women face, is need for feeling desired. We settle for the lowest of men just to feel the empowerment from their love for the length and color of our hair. It's terrible that women can't get past vanity because of the human's inability to see past appearances. And in result, we are all overlooking the importance of feminism. Feminism has unfortunately gotten a bad rap, but it will continue to be a prevalent term until people, especially ones like me, are satisfied. But it WILL NOT FADE AWAY UNTIL a consensus has been made by the general public, which absolutely includes yours truly, E.J. Nightly. I have yet to reach a consensus, and I'm a damn good judge. I've got a long life ahead of me, and I'm not dying until I've done enough and I am satisfied with where the world has gone. Keep working on this and don't ignore the subject. Educate your children with feminism PLEASE! Otherwise this world is going to continue on its downward spiral, and all of the voices of multi-dimensional beauty will STILL be repressed.
  • A combination of Sexism and Nazism!
  • I'm not against women's rights, but there are some feminist movements - seemingly in the 80s, maybe I'm wrong - that went a little too far. I think some people have a tendency to see the extremism and assume that all feminists are like that. This isn't true. I'll leave it at that for now...
  • I think it's stupid when their goals are farther than equality.
  • It's very good if it is the fighting for equality - all for it. It gets annoying when people take it further and have some things that apply to only women, that is where the reversal of the roles come in... i fear it is become a society where women are treated defferently (but in the opposite way) thereby desriminating against men. I want it equal people, not hypocracy.
  • How is it that women wanting to be treated equally became a bad thing?
  • True feminism is a beautiful thing. Women being treated equal and having choice rather then obligation. My problem is with pseudo-femanist who believe women are better then men and any woman who chooses to be a SAHM is a lower being and MUST join the work force.
  • As long as it keeps me from having to marry and pop out babies, I won't care what anyone says. Feminism is freedom!
  • femininity=positive feminism=negative I believe women should be more feminine, less focused on being just like men. Feminism, as I have understood it as, is all about women being treated EXACTLY like men. Women can get a career, sure; they can choose not to marry, sure. But they think that being exactly like men is the answer to their problem with society. I believe women should be treated with respect as women, clearly distinct from men. Women in politics tend to be,........ unfeminine. Very independant, (sure, that can be a good thing), but they lose sight of true femininity. A true women is strong and firm in morals and beliefs, not completely depending on others for her survival(she should have some capability of getting a career if she needed to), but still feminine in her ways, and distinct from a man. She should be willing to serve men as they serve her, with her simple "thank you"s and polite manner adding a little order, or rather gentility, to the world in return for polite and courteous manners of a man holding doors for her, or other various acts of chivalry. The world is a little backwards today, not seeing the beauty of a society of well-mannered men and women who remain distinct from the opposite sex, not to be confused and just called "people", but to be determined to be "men and women." Might I add, in addition to more feminine women in this world today, but it would also be nice to have more masculine men. (It would also be nice if they didn't dress and cut their hair so bloody similar, sometimes.....) And that is my opinion, all that you asked for.
  • Feminism is the belief in the social, economic, and political equality of women. That is the definition of the word. I would add spiritual equality. I once saw a bumper sticker that said, "Feminism: the radical notion that women are people." I think that there are well-organized groups that are fundamentally against the concept of gender equality, and they attempt to characterize and associate feminism as something it is not - most commonly misandrism. These are largely the same exact groups who try to characterize and associate homosexuality with pedophilia and beastiality. I think that these groups are successful in these tactics because most interpretations of the majority religions do not support gender equality.
  • Many of those who publicly bemoan the "plight" of women in America are-in many instances-moved by more dubious passions and interests. Theirs is a feminism of resentment that rationalizes and fosters a wholesale rancor in women, but actually has nothing or very little to do with moral indignation. Yes, I'm talking about GENDER FEMINISM. The gender feminists lack a grass roots constituency. They blame a media "backlash" for the defection of the majority of women. But what really happened is that gender feminists have stolen feminism from the mainstream feminists that had (never) acknowldged their leadership. And they neither accept nor they take well criticism. Hence, male critics must be "sexist" and "reactionary"; and accuse female critics of "collaborators" and/or "traitors". So when a woman tells me that she is a "feminist" she has said absolutely nothing to me.
  • I'm a womn and I hate it.
  • i have good feelings towards it. I feel that men and women are equal mentally and capable as much as men are. And there are still some issues to be addressed in the work place as well as other places in society. But, i don't spend much time feeling sorry for myself about how it effects me. I prefer to take a positive attitude and do what i can with what i have.
  • I dislike feminism in theory, but I think deep down, most of us are feminists. Think about it- feminism is seeking equality of both genders in everything economical, political and social. I think most people want that.
  • it was a very bad move in some ways. its like saying i dont wanna just have to take care of the children and house i want to have to have a job and take care of the children and house. but i like that it expanded options and helped get rid of some of the asshole men who were running some of these poor womens lives and treating them like 2 year olds.
  • It's a way to counteract sexism.
  • Too much pride in any category can lead to problems.
  • I think it's grand unless you're talking about some over zealous man hater. I feel the same about macho men they're fine unless they take it too far then they're just stupid.
  • I think that equality is fine, as long as it's total equality. Simply having all the perks isn't equality, it's superiority, which is what many "feminists" really want. True equality does mean equal pay and legal rights, but it also means women would have to register for the draft, be given no automatic preference in child custody cases, be given the same punishment as a man for commiting the same crime, etc. I would support TRUE equality if that's what women really wanted, but I don't see it happening. At this point, I would settle for women paying the same insurance premiums as a man with the same driving record.
  • Considering its just the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men, i would have to say its a good thing. Just b/c there are SOME extremist in that group doesn't mean that it is all bad. Extremists are the loudest ones, so that is all some people see sometimes. Its sad, b/c Feminism used to be a good thing.
  • As with most movements the concept is wonderful but there are always a select few who take it to extremes and give the original ideas a bad rep.
  • Sometimes I believe that Feminism is confused with Man Hating.
  • it is b&llsh*t. I am one female who thinks it has caused too many problems.
  • i like some aspects of it, but not others
  • I am very much so a supporter of feminism... I do believe, however, that there are amazing men out there wrongly accused of being assholes of all kinds when it's their male counterparts that make them part of the whole mess. It works the same way for women, too. It's a shame that we must work so hard to be equals. =(
  • I love it and feel I am equal to a man. My only problem and I hate to see this is I see other women wanting selective equality. We play the victim role too much like in domestic violence issues, if I punch a guy, he has every right to defend himself. If I want to be paid like a man, I should have to work like a man.

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