• Is he in his cage alone?! LOL
  • because he suffers from mental illness and he talks to himself. we have to get him a friend on friday.
  • The Dude is having nightmares ..
  • because its a rat. thats what they do.
  • all animals make noises
  • Are you sure its your rat and not his blow-up Rattette?? I think he needs a friend.
  • lol ok ... first thought was maybe he masturbates at night when you are sleeping - or when he THINKS you are sleeping lol Then I remembered that no no, rats are nocturnal and they are awake at night. Maybe he's planning his escape and forgets about the inner monologue ploy!
  • It's hungry
  • **************************************************?
  • ???????? You tell me!
  • I raised many rats when I was younger.Rats make a whole variety of vocalizations, including peeps, chirps, squeaks, and shrieks. As a general rule, audible vocalizations are signs of protest or stress.For example, a rat may peep a little while being petted by you or groomed by another rat, indicating mild protest. Long squeaks produced during a tense interaction with another rat probably indicating distress. A shriek or scream during a fight, or if its tail is pinched, probably indicate strong distress or pain. Rats do emit sounds that are associated with pleasure, but these sounds are very high pitched and above our range of hearing.Rats grind their front teeth together producing a grinding sound called bruxing or chattering. Rats probably grind their teeth together to wear them down (a process called thegosis). A rat's incisors grow continuously. This constant growth enables rats to spend their lives gnawing on things without wearing their teeth down to the gum. But it also means that rats must use their teeth continually to keep them from growing too long, hence the tooth grinding. Rats grind their teeth in times of stress. For example, a pet rat may grind its teeth at the vet's office, or during a tense interaction with another rat, or when the rat experiences pain. Anecdotally, rats may also grind their teeth when they are relaxed, rather like purring in a cat.
  • Perhaps it's dreaming..... :-)
  • He's trying to mate with Barbie. lol
  • My rat makes chirping noises at night too. Normally she's sat either at her food bowl wanting to be fed or at the door of her cage telling me that she is bored and wants to coe out and play.
  • first of all, get that rat a friend!!!!!!!!!!!!! unless u can spend an hour a day with your rat, he needs a bud. my first rat (milkshake) became very violent and crazy after being alone in his cage. he would bight everyone, his teeth went down to the BONE! it hurts!!!!!!!!!! always get two rats!!!!! plus rats use high-frequency sounds, smell, touch and body postures to communicate with each other. your rats probably was in some kind of distress. watch out for other symptoms, rats r prone to respiratory disease.
  • Cause he's having wild sex on that damn old mattress that you've been too cheap to replace for him

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