• I wouldn't allow my 15 year old to drive a car on her own, no.
  • I think it depends on the 15 year old. I got my license when I was 16, but I wasn't your typical 16 year old. I was far more responsible and mature than most my friends, so I was able to handle the responsibility and consequences of driving.
  • No - Their minds are not ready yet , though they could practice
  • No. :D
  • Uh, no...
  • Yes I think some states allow 15 year olds to get licenses if they are farmers to help with the harvest, like Nebraska and Iowa, I am not completely sure though.
  • No. They are just as you said, "kids". They are not old enough at that age to do just about anything major like that. Most are too immature. These days most of them can't read and write.
  • I think it is a big responsibility and would have to be earned.....but not to drive alone...I would say an accompanied permit....that would be better....that means that he/she cant drive unless there is a licenced driver over the age of 18 in the car...that sounds more reasonable..;)
  • Unless it's to drive a tractor, no. In fact, there is research indicating kids should even be older than 16 because they haven't physically developed the coordination needed for safe driving. That aside, I personally don't think a 15-year old haas the emotional or mental development required for driving and making snap decisions.
  • I think a kid that 15 should be able to drive because some people should be put there trust in others and they should be able to have fun but if a kid can not drive a car they should buy a electric car
  • No, at least not restricted. And coming from Florida, I also say that there should be license restrictions for anyone over 70 years old as well. Eyesight check, reflex check, and a full on DRIVING test, every year. Period.
  • yes if they are responabil enouf to drive
  • absolutely not i don't even think 16 year olds should be able to get them. it's sick how many teenagers die every year in car accidents. I think the age to qualify for a drivers license should be 18.
  • Why waiting to turn 15! Let's allow 12 year old kids to get their driver's license. What is the difference?
  • Every 15yr old I've seen (including myself), with a handful of exceptions, would be a danger on the road. They are simply not mature enough to handle the different aspects that come with driving. It's not all about burning out for your friends, speeding down the road, and driving like tony stewart on the side streets. There's actual, real-life things like reaction time, split second life or death decisions (a car coming at you sideways on a 100km/h highway - do you go left or right?), animals on the road, avoiding drunks, etc. Nobody expects you to be driving at 15, so lets not change that and open up a pandora's box. If it went through, what's to say 14 is too young? See my point? There's enough dangerous licensed drivers out there - we don't need excessively young ones added into the mix.
  • I don't think so. And the legal age for driving is seventeen, here. Which I think is about right.
  • No, they are not ready to take on the huge responsibility. Even some adults have trouble handling it. You can't ignore all the statistics that show that the younger drivers don't have the sense to drive safe and according to the laws, using judgment or not getting distracted. I've known a few that could have done it well, but it wouldn't be right when you consider the majority of them.
  • I think it should depend on the 15 year old. If they can prove to someone that they're ready to learn to drive, then they should be allowed to learn but they shouldn't be allowed to get their license until they turn 16.

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