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  • I tried it a few times back in the 70's was ok and it did make the c*mming very intense
  • Amyl Nitrate is the original poppers, they used to pack them in first aid kits for use on heart attack victims, they came in a small glass vial packed in gauze and the way they were used was to break the vial by bending it, then let the victim inhale it. this would dilate the blood vessels and allow more blood to needed organs. they no longer put amyl nitrate in over the counter first aid kits. When you would break the thin glass vial it would make a pop sound, thus the name poppers. The only thing you can find in the states now comes in a small glass bottle. and the active ingredient is amyl nitrite, notice the spelling difference between the two. It is very popular with the gay community because not only does it intensify an orgasm, but it also allows a person to hold their breath longer and take more of what they want.
  • Many years ago. They gave me a major migraine like headache.

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