• It is doubtful. Rainbows are created by water droplets refracting white light from the sun. If the sun is not visible in the sky, the rainbow will not be created. I suppose it is possible that the light from a full moon or stars could create a rainbow, but their low intensity makes this improbable. It is even more probable that such a rainbow would show the full spectrum of light instead of a white halo.
  • In a very few cases, a moonbow, or night-time rainbow, can be seen on strongly-moonlit nights. As human visual perception for color in low light is poor, moonbows are perceived to be white. Cumberland Falls, a North American waterfall located in southeast Kentucky, is advertised to have a "moonbow".
  • Yes in the same way you can see one during the day... A full moon is bright enough to have its light refracted by raindrops just as is the case for the sun, this is called a Luna rainbow, these are rare but if the moon is bright enough and its raining, look out you never know you might just see one.
  • Yes. I don't know how, but my family & myself saw one last night. It was a very bright but windy and rany night last night. It was located in the Red Rock Canyon, which is located right outside of Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Yes. It was amazing and magical. Last night, January 26, 2005 I saw a night-time rainbow, a nearly complete giant arc and even with faint colors. This was one night after a full moon so the moon was, in fact, very bright. It was raining lightly and there was a big opening in the clouds around the moon, letting the light through. The rainbow lasted about 20 minutes until the clouds covered the moon again. This occured in Topanga, California, interestingly enough near another park named "Red Rock", a place that was considered sacred by the Chumash Indians who inhabited this area.
  • You can infact see a rainbow at night. I know because I've seen one. It was how they discribed, a white ban of light, but as we drove closer we were able to see the individual colors. It was a misting and the night before had been a full moon so it was fairly bright.
  • Yes, rainbows can be seen at night. I had the privelige of seeing one just last week at 7.30 at night. A lady just round the corner from my house saw it first and said that it was very bright and had a beautiful red and mauvey colour to it round the outer edge. She rang us up twenty minutes after seeing it and we (my family) watched in awe of it for ten more minutes. We could also see a vague tinge of red round the edge. I rang inside to call a neighbour to go out and see this amazement, just as it started to sprinkle, I went outside again, but it was gone. It had been a full moon the previous night, and that night the moon was partially full. Itr had been one of those days where the weather was a bit rainy/cloudy, perfect for day rainbows. The lady who originally saw the rainbow rang up the bureau of meteorology and asked them about it. They said that it was possible, but extremely raw and that none of them had seen one yet. It trully was a privelige. I hope that answered your question.
  • Yes! I saw one on the 15th of September, 2005. I was in Moab, Utah and was camping on the side of a huge canyon. I woke up about 4:45 AM and looked outside. I thought someone was training a spotlight on the ground in front of the camper. When I followed the light, I saw the moon (which was two nights before full) was very close to the horizon and was shining through a hole in the clouds. I was just amazed at how this river of light was cast upon the land. The edge of the canyon is composed of solid rock, with potholes covering it. The potholes were full of water and it was sprinkling lightly. This was such a beautiful sight, I was really looking at it towards the West. Then I turned around, and there was a huge full arc of a "rainbow". I could see the reddish tinge on the bottom of the rainbow, but mostly I could see the violet band. It seemed very wide and was slightly sparkling. What a beautiful sight! I couldn't believe my eyes. I actually shut them and looked away to see if I was imagining it. But, when I looked back, it was still there. So, I stood outside in the rain and watched it until the moon went below the horizon and the rainbow slowly disappeared. I can't tell you how privileged I feel to have seen this beautiful sight.
  • Yes. I have never seen one,but I want to SO BADLY!
  • Yes, Rainbows can be seen at night, but are very rare. I can confirm this because, I have seen one. Driving back from Wales, England some 15 years ago, I was forced to stop my car as i was so taken back at the site. It was a very black night, with a full moon. I dont recall that it was raining but do remember it being rather damp. The rainbow was as prominant and a large and curved as those seen during the day. It was a misty white in colour, rather like that milky white haze which is often seen around the moon. It was the most remarkable sight I have ever whitnessed.
  • I recently saw a full rainbow with all colors evident. It was seen between eleven pm and midnight while driving from Susanville to Eagle Lake, California. Mid January 2007. There was a recent full moon, sprinkles of rain, and lots of brightly lit clouds. What a visual treat as we traveled home to our magical Eagle Lake. This spirited lake is the second largest natural lake in California. My answer; Yes, seen with my own eyes, witnessed by my husband.
  • Yes. We saw a 'moonbow' last week over the skies of Anglesey, North Wales UK. The colours were not apparent but the bow was clear and appeared white. The moon was full and behind us as we looked and the rain was fine. It was awesome.
  • i've definately seen one at 3am in france with my mum...was really strange!!
  • I have just seen a rainbow at night. It was a little after 8pm in Tauranga, New Zealand. I had to call my girlfriend to make sure I was not seeing things. Very strange but amazing. Cheers, Fraser.
  • Yes they do exist, in fact i saw one last night. A friend and I came straight onto the internet to ensure we were not seeing things. There was a large blueish-white moon in the sky powerful enough to cast a COLOR rainbow into a small area of cloud. Although colors were very faint, Blue, Yellow and Red seemed to dominate. We believe it might be the fact that the sunlight reflects directly off the moon and clouds do the same at night as they do in the day (contain moisture which can refract light)All that i know is that i saw it so would like to advise all to keep their eyes-to-the-skies at night. The Moonbow is devine!
  • I have Seen One! Its so Cool! It Reflects Of Of the Moon Light. Its So Cool!
  • Yes around the moon on a semi cloudy night
  • I don,t know about rainbows but itook a photo of a rainbow coloured patch of light the other night.The Moon was full with some clouds.Just one of the many beautiful things to see in Yorkshire.
  • I have just seen one, on the way home to Inverurie from Aberdeen. There is what seems to be a full moon tonight and it was very bright, and the rainbow itself was pale grey coloured. First time I've ever seen one.
  • Good question! Do you think there is such a thing as a moonbow? There probably is, but at a spectrum of light we can't easily see. If I am desperate, there is always the Internet. Well what do you know... Here's one from the Alaska Photo Journal, courtesy of Google Images:
  • I'd like to see one at night.
  • For all the people who dont think they are real, its a real life changing expeiriance. I saw one this morning, and was amazed at the beauty of it, as well as the niggling doubt it wasnt real, but when the moon shone brighter, the faint colours came through, and took my breath away!
  • I have never seen one, but it seems they could form with the light of the moon.
  • during nite-time i could not see anythin, its too dark
  • Yes. I saw one last night travelling home from Exeter to North Cornwall UK, near Dartmoor. There was a full moon and it was raining. In the opposite half of the sky to the moon, a pale-ish arc of light appeared. We first thought it was a laser beam, but then realised light beams like that can't go round corners, and this was definitly a large arc of muted light. As we peered more closely at it we could see there were faint spectrums of colour within the arc. We laughingly called it a 'Moonbow' not really believing what we were seeing. It was amazing - so surreal. I'm 60 and this is the first time I've ever seen such a sight - one I will never forget.
  • yeah i live in h.o.v.e. on the big island of hawaii and there was a full moon and on the opposite side it was raining you could see a full rainbow but the colors were silvery to white but the shape of the rainbow was definately clear it was one!

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