• I took my dog (spud) down the park for him to catch up with couple of lady dogs first. Then at about 18 months I got him done. It helped him turn into a ledgend.
  • I ususally have my dogs done at 6 months.
  • i don't feel right with neutering dogs. if there's no laws for it i won't do it.
  • Since neutering is generally considered a "simple" non-invasive surgery, the main concerns are typically the dog being of a "good weight" (you want them to have enough blood to withstand the procedure, even though for neutering blood loss is very minimal). The dog should be fairly well grown, and in excellent health. NEVER proceed with vaccines or elective surgeries if your dog is ill, injured or otherwise in less than good health. Generally 6 to 8 months is a good time for Neutering. Spaying is a bit more dicey. While you want to insure your young bitch is not accidentally bred during her first heat, the Spay IS very invasive, so you want to take EVERY precaution to insure she is NOT bred, while still waiting till the most optimum time to have her spayed! Especially for large breeds, it appears to be more important than was thought to wait until about 8 to 12 months. Larger breeds mature slower than small breeds and many bitches, spayed too young (even with the small breeds) are showing problems with dribbling urine when spayed too young (4 to 6 months). This dribbling problem appears to often continue for the life of the dog, and can be random (during sleep) or fairly regular in happening, awake or asleep. The "problem" comes with people who do want to prevent extra puppies from being born...but fail to take the actual steps to prevent their bitch from hooking up with a dog when she's in her first, second or other heat cycles....
  • Usually about a year, around the time they are fully grown - so that the hormones can contribute to healthy growth.
  • You should be at least 18 years of age.
  • Depends on the dog or bitch, bit like us, no one is the same, any time from 6 months according to growth and amourous activity. A bitch often has her first season at 7 months, some dogs can get a bitch pregnant when the dog is only 6 months old.
  • Do humans have the right to screw with another species reproduction, the prime directive says NO!
  • I have been advised by my vet to wait 1 year when he is developed, But from my research on the net there still seems to be no right or wrong answer. What would happen to a human if we cut his nuts off at the age of 10 Im sure that he may develop some problems. Personally I want the best for my pooch and at the same time definatley do not want to contribute to the over population of dogs. Bothe of our dogs are (male & female were both taken from the street as puppies)
  • The best age to spay or neuter is before the dog is 6 months of age. The American Veterinary Medical Association promotes pediatric spays and neuters (when a dog is at least 8 weeks of age and weighs at least 2 lbs)
  • I don't think we as a superior species have the right to terminate the reproductive capabilities of a lesser species. Supposing we were invaded by a species superior to us and they wanted to desex us how would we feel?
  • The best time to neuter dogs is around 18months of age,by this time they have properly develop and after 18monts of age territorial drives will start to appear.
  • I waited til I was 26 or so, but everybodys different.
  • if you can feel them its time!! if you dont get your dog castrated you will increase the risk of prostate cancer

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