• Eggnog can be frozen if it's store bought. If you freeze your own, the eggs must be beaten before freezing. Raw eggs are always a risk. This recipe can be frozen, the new eggnog - an adult milkshake! And it's easy to make. No cooking, no whipping egg whites and cream: Just mix and freeze. Make a pitcher today, and stick it in the freezer for the season. The spirits keep the milk from freezing; the freezer keeps the milk from spoiling. But remember, it's potent - one of my friends calls it 'the adult milkshake'!" 1 cup sugar 1 cup dark rum 1/2 cup brandy 2 tablespoons vanilla extract 1/2 gallon whole milk Grated nutmeg (optional) Dissolve sugar in rum, brandy and vanilla extract in a large, heavy pitcher. Add milk; freeze until very cold or even slushy, about 4 to 8 hours. (Can be frozen for a month.) Pour into glasses, grate nutmeg over each glass, if desired, and serve.

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