• buy chocolate mmmm
  • Make sure you at least take care and love yourself by doing something you like to do or buying something you want. the best way to find someone who cares about you is showing them you care about yourself as well. Too many lonely and depressed people try hard to find someone and they don't ealize it is easy to spot someone who isn't caring for themselves. Be good to yourself and things start happening in a positive light.
  • Yes sometimes I feel that. But when I go to sites like this one, I realize that many people care. =)
  • I am alone it's just me and my houseplants the kids are all grown and dont bother to call.So I guess the answer is yes
  • Yes, I have felt that many times.... especially when I was a teenager.
  • Many times. Many times. It is all to often that I may ƒeel this way that my eƒƒorts have been spent in vain.
  • At times....but often I choose to be alone. It is sometimes tiring to have to be with others. It can be a lose-lose situation. You want to be alone and you don't want to be alone. We are never satisfied. But, trust me, you are not ALONE, in this feeling. I am sure the most popular person in your school, job, or neighborhood feels that way at one time or another. It is only natural. And people do care....maybe in varying degrees and maybe not as much as we want or expect them to but they care, especially the genuine people in your life.
  • Yes, but not too often.
  • Yes, always,... they don't.... that is just life.... I am just trying to accept the fact that the world is cold, cruel and unforgiving. One day I will get over it.
  • Yes I feel that way but it doesn't last! I think everyone gets that feeling now and then!!!!!!!
  • Not very often...but yes, I think everyone has felt like that.
  • Quite a bit! My friends here help me through that a lot, but that's not to say it wouldn't be a lot nicer to have someone I can be "face to face" with.
  • Yes, but rarely. I think most ABers will agree or else why are we here? If I felt that way alot and couldn't snap out of it, I'd seek out a professional to talk to.
  • Yes. Then there is AB with which to spend my time.
  • I must be the minority here because I never feel that way. I have a few sisters to whom I am really close, coworkers who depend on me, a husband who is kind and considerate, a son who is never far away and a little dog who thinks I am better person than I probably am. I never feel that no one cares because I know better. Some days I would LIKE to feel all alone in the world, or at least in my own house, but those times are quite rare. Despondency for more a day or three can signal something that needs medical attention, so if anyone is feeling this way and it persists, I would strongly suggest finding someone to talk to about it.
  • yes many times some days i feel everyone even my family doesnt like me
  • yes, all the time, it sucks.
  • Sometimes I do, yes.
  • Oh, sure! Everyone does, I think!
  • Yeah, I've been feeling it constantly for the last five years because I've been basically disowned by my whole family and they all treat me like a diseased leg. Just chop it off and move on without looking back.
  • Oh yes, but I like it that way most of the time. I prefer to mull over thoughts in my head and dont necessarily want anyone to care. We are all alone in this aspect of our lives.
  • I used to feel that way all the time, but I haven't felt that in a while now. My life is full of people who care about me and who love me. I feel like my life really matters to them just as their lives matter to me.
  • Nope... I feel quite loved right now... but usually when I'm lonely I just think about the people that I know love me... Like my sister and father and my best friends... If I ever need anyone I know I can call them up and talk... And now I seem to have a new friend like that... :o)
  • Yes. I feel that way right now..
  • I did for 25 years and then I got lucky:)
  • Yeah I feel that way a lot of times, I feel like I'm just in a constant struggle. But you never know...things may change.
  • I do feel that way a lot, and it's partially my own fault that no one seems to care, because I tend to put on my "game face" and make jokes about it or whatever. It is a bit overwhelming sometimes, though.
  • No I never feel that way. Even when there is no one special in my life and I haven't a single friend I always have God.
  • Yes , all the time . Live away from family and rarely see them. No friends around where i live so its pretty mundane
  • oh ya? i feel u i moved to a new country like 4 months no family and i havnent really met alot of people just know God is always here.
  • In a nutshell yes.
  • I used to feel that when I was in high school. I felt then that the whole world was ganging up on me.
  • All the time. i feel like the only thing i have in life that will always be there and never leave and always care is my cars. i build them i love them their there to talk to and thell never leave. its my obsession to take my mind off of my TRUE pain. that everyone has a perfect life except me. everyone gets everything taken care of and im left with nothing. i ask my own mother for help and she tells me that she has her own problems and she cant deal with mine. i dont know what to do. i just got laid off at work, 4 weeks after i bought a new car, so i dont know what im goin to do, my car payment is due in 3 weeks about and i havent even got enough money for a pack of smokes. i got a quarter tank of gas in my car. and no job. and to make matters worse i got a 400$ ticket for speeding to get to a job interview last month, and if i dont pay it in 4 days the court is going to cancel my licence. i just want to commit suicide i really do. but i cant cause ill miss my cars too much. thats a drag and a half. if i could just somehow figure out somthing or someway to save myself i might be ok. but i have 3 days to do it. and even god himself took 7 days to create the earth.
  • Yes i have felt like that andthat is not true there is always some one out there that loves you and cares about you. I know there are times when you feel like no one cares about you. Have you tryed going to a theripist? Or maybe getting on some anti depressents? They both will help you alot.
  • yes, especially during these holidays.
  • yes i do feel like that. but there is ALWAYS 1 person who does care bout u, u just need 2 find em! xxxxx
  • all the time.
  • if you've pushed everyone away, time to start apologizing
  • Never, I have too many friends to feel that way.
  • I got over THAT long ago. These days, I really don't give a
  • Yes i felt that long time ago.
  • You may find some kindred spirits here:
  • Not really. A long while ago I did, but I was focusing on all the wrong things; myself, why people didn't like me, how I was different. You notice how self-centered that view is? When I learned to laugh at myself and enjoy it when others laughed at me the focus switched to others and how I could help them and serve. Then the self-confidence and assurance and even what you might call popularity followed in due course. Lead through service. It is still a sucky feeling though when it's there. But if anyone out there is reading this and feeling that way right now you can I care for you, as I do all people. I might come across as agressive in debate, but it is really born out of love and the desire to understand. So hang in there, and now you know there is at least one person who knows where you're at and cares! There is a light at the end of your tunnel; hang in there!
  • I've felt that way before, but intellectually one knows that isn't true. It's the conversations I was having with myself, so now I have affirmations that I read aloud every morning and every night. It helps a bunch.
  • I have felt that way at times after long periods of seclusion
  • Very often I do, I have chronic clinical depression.... it comes with the territory
  • Too often I fight to not let that feeling of complete loss or isolation take over my brain. Being a cutter I fight myself on an almost constant basis. But on good days like today I know that I have first and foremost the man of my dreams my husband who has my back, loves me, and gives me reason to fight that feeling of aloneness. And then I have my kids. Know that you are not alone in that feeling but there are others out there who understand and are right there with you,DON"T GIVE UP!!
  • My wife feels like that a lot. I just wish they could give courses to spouses on how to deal with depression.
  • Every second of the day..Please tell me it's not true??
  • yes and yes..... but you know what? There are people that care and the world is filled with people. So I know I'm not alone. The world is what we make of it.
  • I do everyday and it is true,i dont have anyone left in family or most of my friends are gone.
  • Yes, but then I realize that this is irrational thinking, because I have my family and fiance. I even have some of my grad. professors who care if I succeed. Have you ever read up on cognitive behavioral therapy? If you feel you are suffering from depression, I'd suggest consult your primary care physician.
  • yes i feel this way all the time.
  • I know that I have a lot of people in my life who care about me (thankfully) but I still feel quite alone most of the time.
  • Yes. Totally. I don't think that there is a human being that doesn't feel like that from time to time. I also know that it passes - it's inevitable. Sometimes good to know that, and see the sensation as a necessary one that allows some introsepction, reflection and genuine questioning of yourself. Try and take it with peace - enjoy eating/sitting/reading/curling up/breathing just by yourself. Know that it's a precious time, even though it may not feel utterly joyful! Take care of yourself!
  • Yes all the time.
  • Yes, I feel like it a lot. And the fact of the matter is, hardly anyone cares about anyone else, nevermind about me. I wouldn't go so far as to say that no one cares at all, but mostly people don't care about me because I'm me, they pretend to love me and care about me because they want something from me. Because that's what life is all about here, the individual getting what they want and too bad about anyone else getting hurt in the process. That's Western society for you. Self-serving and unsacrificing.
  • All the time. I know the problem is mostly with me, so don't say I should start focusing on others instead of myself. I have tried to tell a few of my family members and some of my closest friends my feelings on depression, but they have ignored me or been completely unsympathetic, saying things like "Get over it," and "why don't you just kill yourself already, then". This makes me feel like I really have no one to turn to. People think they care about me, but when it comes down to it, they only want to see me as the happy person they used to know. They don't want to know about or care about my depression and who I really am. I don't have anyone to turn to and haven't for years. Sorry for the depressing post. I'm just trying to answer the question honestly. I do have a lot of hope for the future. I'm sure that anyone who feels alone like I do will eventually meet someone who really understands and cares for them.
  • i have felt like that many times, but what you have to remember is that other people feel like you do, so you are not alone.
  • No ... we are never alone, and someone somewhere does care ... we just need to make the connection.
  • Oh no..i'm always surrounded by people who cares for me. I'm lucky..
  • Yes, it is very lonely. But I know it will pass..
  • you are very special just by being yourself peolple will sooner or later realize that. i like to hear my favorite music and just dance like crazy also chocolat eand icecream with a very good movie
  • i am alone and no one cares about me.
  • lose myself in a book.
  • Those are the good days....and enough of them will make you finally realize you don't need anyone else and you can get on with doing whatever the fuck you were put here for in the first place. Quit wasting time and get on with this life thing :p.
  • I am fortunate to be loved and not have to endure such a a feeling, but my heart goes out to those who do feel that way. . Sending {{{special luv'n'hugs}}}} to anyone in need.
  • Mope about the house feeling sorry for myself, waiting for someone to change my mind. Sadly, I am not very proactive about getting out of my depression.
  • yep. that's one of the reasons that i'm writing this note right now. because it's important for both of us to reach out to others and it's important for us to first care for others. sometimes they care back but sometimes they don't. finding a purpose to our lives is one way to fill this void. doing volunteer work or adopting a part of a highway to clean or well, purpose can be found in almost anything. rarely is a person going to reach out and befriend you or me unless we first make some effort to befriend them, ask them questions about themselves and their interests ...
  • Sure, sometimes everyone must feel that way.
  • Yes I sometimes feel that way. The world is so big and I feel this small. I feel no one cares as I feel invisible.
  • Occasionally I do.
  • Most of the time...
  • i do now.
  • hell no.. i MAKE fuckers care lol
  • You're probably not half as alone as you assume you are...But chances are... very few people actually do care. Caring for others, is not really the trend these days unless in doing so it gains them some personal attention or fame. Mother Theresa and Ghandi and the Dali Lama are pretty much it... in that Dept im afraid.
  • i would feel bad. also i write down my feelings.Also I would pray to God about it.And listening to encouraging songs
  • When I get depressed I listen to music videos on or go shopping. I buy a lot of candy when I was younger. It used to make me feel better. And I buy it if I have money. Just looking at the products at Target makes you forget about everything in your life...
  • I go over to moms and enjoy her warm cookies and milk it works every time :)
  • I allow myself to get extremely down about it and brood for about 20 minutes or so, then I decide Fuck it! I'm DONE with this crap.....and I go on with life :)
  • I find someone to call.
  • I believe that it is a trick of the Evil One to make you believe that no one loves you or cares about you. GOd does. That is why He sent His Son, Jesus, to experience human life (in all its loneliness-remember how alone He was on the Cross) and to open the path back to Himself through forgiveness. Find a good Bible teaching church. There are many people there who will care for you. Believe me.
  • Usually go find something to do.
  • i know what you mean....its like you just want one other person to really be there and someone who is just your best friend or a boy/girlfriend....but theres no one who would defend you when you most need it and someone who you know will never say anything bad about you
  • I accept it as the reality of my life and seek solitary contentment. +3

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