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  • buy her flowers, send her a card (for no occasion) and write in it yourself, take her out to dinner, better yet cook her dinner. have a romantic night planned with dvd's (chick flicks) and chocolate. heaps of ways, mainly just showing her affection and telling her how you feel.
  • say hey babe can you do me a favor...n she will say what...Then you say tell me you love me
  • any one else???? i need more things
    • Myang
      make yourself busy about your school things that will make her bother if what's happening on you. When she confronts you.. say this "I want to study well and find a good job so I'll marry you soon and give everything you wanted and asks." And i want your parents to be proud of having a good son-in-laws where they can entrust their daughter. SWEET TALKS DUDE.. with lil acts. you're a great actor i guess.. You can do it easily :D
  • You can call her during the day just to tell her that you love her and send her dozens of flowers to her work. When she comes home one day make a nice dinner if you live together and have rose pedals leading to the bedroom and just cuddle. idk take her to a drive-in to a romantic movie
  • You can call her during the day just to tell her that you love her and send her dozens of flowers to her work. When she comes home one day make a nice dinner if you live together and have rose pedals leading to the bedroom and just cuddle. idk take her to a drive-in to a romantic movie
  • write her a silly little poem about her and why you love her. Even if you suck and writing, she'll love it and you can laugh about it together
  • I'm an 18-year-old girl, and as I know from experience, 18-year-old guys are usually broke. So sending a dozen roses or buying lavish gifts are usually not to realistic (although very romantic). We like the little things: Leaving post-it notes on our bathroom mirrors or in books we're reading; Taking us to sporting events (which is sharing something you love with us); Making some sort of sacrifice (missing a game, movie, poker tourney) to be with us for something special; Cooking a candlelight dinner (even if it is Easy-Mac); Taking us fishing or on a picnic; Sneaking out to see her at night; Offering jackets when it is cold, holding open doors (including the car door), holding her hand in public. We love notes, even if they are not as profound as Shakespeare (whom you are always welcome to copy), and, if you are talented enough, poetry. If you are a musician, every girl wants a song written about her. Girls love chocolate- enough said. Going on a walk to somewhere special (a park, garden, creek). Watching meteor showers is one of my favorites (and if you google them, you will see they happen about once a month). Movies are great places to find cliche, but very romantic ideas, such as rocks on her bedroom window in the rain... I can spout off a million ideas that I personally would love, but each girl is different. If I were you, I would simply ask her what she finds romantic, or what would be good ideas for you to show her you love her. Most cases, she will have a whole list of things outlined for you. Good luck with anything. Hope these ideas help! God bless!
  • I like the 18 year old girl's reply to you. It's the little things that make a difference. Don't be cheezy. Like roses... It's totally overated. Field flowers that you picked yourself is more romantic, but don't overdo it. Don't give flowers because you want to make up for something! Being intimate is romantic. Being spontaneous is romantic. Be in a moment- don't settle, don't get comfortable! Do something unexpected. Don't overthink things, but don't let your brain a rest. You should always try to think what might make her feel good :) Trust me, she will always give you little hints! :) I know it's a tough work, but who said that it's easy :)) Don't think of this as an obligation or work either, that totally kills it and makes it very unromantic! Be yourself, and be thoughtful! I know I'm not giving away any answers! hehe But it's all up to you, young man. Just don't be afraid, live in a moment. Life is good, even in the harshest times! :) Okay, maybe I'll give you more straightforward hints- be manly, stand up for her (but don't be aggressive). Be affectionate, yet don't overdo it. Love her!!! :)) Don't blaim her. Accept how she is... :) That's a girl's answer to you.
  • I am 18...but mt gf always say that i am very boring or unromentic...i dnt know wht is romentic wht i have to do?...plz help me...She wants some romantic talk by i dnt know wht is romentic me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....God bless
  • Just be a great listener! That will make her feel special and will also give you lots of ideas about what she'd like.
  • Do something out of the ordinary. Surprise her at work, or school. Think about things that are important to her and make it a point to show her you support these things. Go out of your way to listen to what she has to say, show her you care. It's in the little things.

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