• Funny, I have the same problem with woman!
  • because theyre lazy and cant do anything unless it involves beer or football!
  • In my house we have the opposite problem.
  • I am HAPPY to say that I "broke" my guy of doing this. I would get so frustrated having to do it and I know it is not that big of a job but when you go in to take care of your business.. you want things to just flow smoothly.. having to put it on irked me.. sooooooooo .. I started taking the toilet paper out of the bathroom with me and I would hear .. KELLIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE where is the TP .. I would sweetly say .. oh.. you did not put it back on the roll so I thought you had found us an alternative method.. I gave in a few times because we would laugh about it but then I started sticking to my guns and watched him hunker all out to get it.. needless to say that when we stay together on weekends.. tp is no longer an issue =)
  • We have man things on our minds. You wouldnt understand. ;)
  • I always change the toilet paper roll, and I just live with my brother. He's terrible though - he will NEVER change the roll. If it's finished, and he didn't need anymore, he won't take a new roll out. And even if he DOES need to take a new roll out, he won't put it in the roller thingie, but just put it on the floor or on the top of the sink or toilet seat. It's not a man thing. It's a lazy thing.
  • Because we don't know the answer to the ultimate question: Over the top or from the bottom?
  • In my house we have the opposite problem. I'm constantly asking my daughter if it's too difficult a task for her to do.
  • Here is a good way to stop that:
  • I found this quite interesting, because in my house, its my wife that cant seem to change the toilet paper roll when it runs out. So its not always a male problem.
  • i dont do it - i will wait until the bf changes it LOL - its one of those chores that i just ignore - if i was living alone, the roll would just sit on the back of the toilet never having the joy of knowing what it feels like to go round and round on the roll
  • I'd call myself a "Sam's Club" toilet paper stocker lol--I have at least 3 extra rolls within arms reach of each of the two toilets in my house--so that means there's no excuse for me not to replace the tp when it gets to the end :D
  • because we want you to do it
  • My husband says that I use more toilet paper proportionally, so it should be my job. ;-)
  • Everyone knows that men break out into cooties when they have to change the toilet paper or wash the dishes or put the toilet seat down or get up and get their own beer when the woman's already in the kitchen. Cooties! They kill.
  • I'm a man living alone with my bird and I change my tp roll when it gets empty.
  • 'cuz it doesn't require batteries or power tools. Maybe if they'd make a roll holder that plays the General Lee horn when the roll is replaced.....
  • Because by the time they're done they forget they need to get new. I fixed that propblem by buying him TP and me femine wipes. He wouldn't touch those with a ten foot pole so if he ran out of TP it was all on him.
  • I am a man and I am apparently the only one in a family of five who can replace the roll when it runs out. Don't try to use youth as an excuse, because the youngest is 13. I figure that they can make their own food, navigate the web, change the disc on the PS2, and (heaven help me) drive, so they should be able to replace a simple roll of toilet paper.
  • for the same reason they cant put the toilet seat down keep pillows on a couch pick up the news paper buy new underwear should i go on
  • Hey - when did I turn into a man? I don't change the roll, or make my bed, or do the dishes (twice a week I run the dishwasher so I don't think that counts) LOL No really, if it bothers you, change it yourself. If it doesn't bother you then hush. Pick your battles - life is to long to let the little things get to you.
  • Does anyone have a serious answer to this question? I don't understand why they can't perform this simple task?
  • Because if they don't, someone else always will.
  • The same reason the dirty clothes never make it to the basket, dirty dishes never make it to the sink, shoes are thrown all over the living room. Men are just plain lazy!
  • That's what women are for
  • This question is full of hate and bigotry. Im deeply offended.
  • It's too hard for them to do?
  • because they are busy with more important oh I'll think of something.....its umm...welll it was on the tip of my tongue.....oh right! They oforgot to ask the women to do it for them... nope..... darn I'm stumped!
  • Well it's possible they've always had someone else to do it for them. It's also possible they don't see it as a necessity. Why does it bother you that they don't? Wouldn't it be less stressful just to change it yourself than to get upset about it? Does it really matter in the scheme of things? Don't you have more important things to be upset about?
  • Why is it women put the toilet paper on backwards? The old broad brush is swinging.

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