• mathematics is the king of all arts and queen of all sciences. so everthing including physics is a part in mathematics only. how can i account for the weird coincidence of mother (MATHS) AND SCIENCE (FAMILY) (E.G., PHYSICS - SON)!!!
  • Maths is a science.
  • ALL of mathematics was invented to explain or solve something observed or occurring in life. Math is NOT REAL, it was created by man to help him understand concepts like trade, shapes, physics, etc.
  • Weird coincidence? Where?
  • I am guessing you mean the fact that certain numbers come up over and over and over again! Numbers like Pi or Planks constant or the fundemental electron charge. . Well, this is the ONLY argument for a God I have EVER heard that can not be easily countered. If any of these numbers were off by as little as 1 part in a trillion (10^9) then life as we know it would not exist. I do not believe in a God but this argument is the only thing making me not absolutely refuse to believe he could exist.
  • There is an article about "The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics:

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