• The only free sites are those that are run by the courts or the government. However, that is only going to be useful if that court or government agency has data on the person you are looking for. Another option is to sign up for a free trial of a skip tracing service. For example, a popular one in California is called Merlin. You can only sign up for these services if you have a legitimate reason. However, if you are an employer who regularly needs to do background checks, then you have a legitimate reason. (NOTE: some services are only available to law firms and debt collectors). If you just want to look up one person (and don't have a legitimate reason to qualify for a free trial), you can access LexisNexis for free at some public law libraries. This will require you to actually go to the law library, but LexisNexis is one of the largest public record databases available.
  • Only the police have access to these records. No other site is valid.
  • There are many but you have to pay a certain amount to access the sites resources...

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