• I see mermaids unicorns marshmallow people puppy dogs monkeys and homer simpson (8(|)
  • Lucy Van Pelt: Aren't the clouds beautiful? They look like big balls of cotton. I could just lie here all day and watch them drift by. If you use your imagination, you can see lots of things in the cloud's formations. What do you think you see, Linus? Linus Van Pelt: Well, those clouds to me look like the map of the British Honduras on the Carribbean. [points up] Linus Van Pelt: That cloud up there looks a little like the profile of Thomas Eakins, the famous painter and sculptor. And that group of clouds over there [points] Linus Van Pelt: gives me the impression of the Stoning of Stephen. I can see the Apostle Paul standing there to one side. Lucy Van Pelt: Uh huh. That's very good. What do you see in the clouds, Charlie Brown? Charlie Brown: Well... I was going to say I saw a duckie and a horsie but I changed my mind.
  • Yes, usually animals or faces.
  • That was one of my favorite things to do as a kid. When I tried to get my daughter interested in it, she just rolled her eyes.
  • i still DO look at the cloudz! i see all kinds of things. faces and animals are fun.
  • I remember being 5 yrs old, having just learned that I had a brother who died before I was born. I lay in the grass and looked for doors in the clouds, gateways into the heaven I had imagined, wanting to find a way to connect with this person that meant so much even though I would never know him. Later in life I would often do my daydreaming while I watched the clouds. I would imagine whatever it was I was wanting at the time. Or I would use the clouds like the magic 8-ball, asking a question and looking for an answer in the shapes that came drifting past.
  • Great minds think alike - I was just looking at the clouds yesterday and thinking of asking the same question. I love cloud watching with the kids, the manage to find the most interesting things. To my youngest every cloud is a dinosaur and my oldest always sees sharks and ninjas!
  • Uh, YEAH!!!!!! i love doing that i found a bunny eating a dog bone!!!
  • I seen the shape of a demon (evil looking face with horns) pointing his finger.
  • All the time. I can't remember any specific shapes or images, but I've seen numerous things. Even if no one else could even see what I was talking about.
  • I seen Elvis eating a cheeseburger one time....then I looked up at the sky and saw a group of clouds that looked like an old lady snapping a dog on the ass with a towel!
  • I once saw a demon-looking mouse eating a cat.

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