• do you mean where the skin should be cut?
  • Supposedly to help stop the spread of STDs. I don't know if there's any other purpose.
  • I'll tell you, I wish I WASN'T circumcised, I'd have more feeling where it fucking counts!
  • Circumcision was introduced in Victorian times, to discourage masterbation by desensitising the penis, or female genitals(yes female cutting was introduced into the western cultures around the same time). At that time doctors believed that self-abuse would cause many medical problems or death. The idea that circumcision would improve hygiene started at that time, but it was meant to improve moral hygiene. Later that changed to physical hygiene. As times have changed and the major medical concerns of each Era change, so do the claims of circumcision to cure or prevent those problems. Example - circumcision around for thousands of years and claims for circ in preventing HIV which is a major medical problem today, buy has only been recognized in the last 30years. In the West the countries that practiced it have mostly abandoned circ. It started from Victorian England and spread to english speaking countries, UK, Canada, US, Australia, New Zealand. The only western country where the medical community and population haven't abandoned routine circumcision is the US. The other 4 countries have gone back to populations where the majority of men are intact.
  • 2 remove foreskin
  • Started off as a Religious practice, but now it's been proven to be healthier and less chance of STDs being spread to women.
  • Other than religion or tradition, there is no reason. In fact, it is now considered a completely elective operation and NO medical organization in the world (including the AMA or AAP) recommends it. Circumcision is in NO way medically beneficial.
  • It's not evil, in most cases it is part of religious tradition. In other cases, parents elect to have their sons circumcised for reasons of hygiene. I am not Jewish, but my parents decided to have me snipped when I was born. I have never really wanted to discuss my penis with them, so to this day I'm not sure what their thought process was concerning their decision.
  • No, not really. Is it evil to operate for any reason? Whether it's for aesthetic, religious, cultural, or health reasons, it's not "evil".
  • Some boys need to be circumcised because their foreskin might be too tight where it can't be pulled back, which is one painfull and two unhygienic because it can't be cleaned. But if you're foreskin is fine and you're not planning on spending months in trenches without a shower there is no reason to be getting snipped.
  • Not evil, I had my 2 boys cicumsized purley for cosmetic reasons. There were no religious or health reasons for us to do it.
  • I think just for cosmetic reasons it should be done.Its cleaner looks better why not. I'm glad mine was done.
  • See for health considerations
  • It cuts the chance of being infected with AIDS, if one should be exposed to it, by over 60%. Three African governments have so found and are doing everything they can think of to encourage male circumcision. However, it shouldn't be done to newborns; it should be done after a week, by which time the clotting mechanism is developed but sensitivity to pain isn't as high as it will be later. And the baby should be given some sweet grape juice on its tongue to distract it from the pain.
  • Circumsion reduces the chance of penile cancer as well as infection.
  • The are many claims of potential(unproven) medical benefits. But no solid evidence that stands up to examination. That is why NO Medical organizations give their recommendation to routine circumcision, and the medical organizations that previously supported it have all dropped their support..
  • If you get intellectual you will find that sexually obsessed people cut of the foreskin when you are young so you can not stop them , "I found this out as a male kid", that they want to stair at your penis head-they like you to suffer from rape! and that it is a good excuse to feel u up as a boy and have sex with circumcised boys oral and more, pedophiles get educated in the medical trade and use the education as a cover to get physical contact with boys sexually. the facts are circumcision was used as a sexually punishment as men did not die they just suffered from mental trauma for the rest of their life's in the form of sexually frustration and other nervous break downs caused by the failure of the blood circulation caused by the amputation of some of the main veins in the penis foreskin
  • 2 remove foreskin
  • 2 remove 4skin
  • 2 remove 4skin

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