• Insurance is not paid-punishes your family!! Plus if you fail in your attempt to kill yourself-you can and will be prosecuted. I've never studied the law, but knowing about Dr. Kovorkian (forgive spelling, please) who helped others commit suicide and they went after him with all they had till they caught him-I think he is sitting in prison now!
  • In Australia, to commit suicide (successfully) is not against the law. However to attempt to commit suicide (and fail) is against the law. There would be some form of psychiatric assessment to determine if the person was aware of the act and it's possible consequences and if there was a history of suicidal behaviour. Persons could be detained for a period of time from months to years in some form of institution, have sessions with a psychiatrist and be placed on some form of medication. Attempted suicide is a curable illness and many persons go on to live full-filling lives. For those who are successful at committing suicide leave behind family and friends who bare a great deal of pain. The signs that someone is suicidal can be almost impossible to see, and you can not follow a person around twenty four hours a day making sure they don't do anything that may endanger their lives. It is a sad reflection that to some people, the only way out in their eyes, is to take their own life.
  • Suicide is illegal and here is why. its on the books to give the police authority to arrest and seek psychological evaluations for persons attempting suicide. you cannot convict a dead, suicidal person. that is not the intent of the law. dead, suicidal people will have to answer to a higher authority, thats not of this earth.
  • In india suicide in an punishable offence under section 305 to section 309 of the indian penal code. But it is really an irony that a person could only be punished under this section only if he/she fails to commit this offence otherwise the law could not punish a dead person.
  • The purpose of the law is prevention before the fact and not after it. it also gives the police authority to arrest a person attempting suicide, in order to seek psychological help. this law is just another tool, used by law enforcment, to protect the public.
  • in Australia: the rule of law that it is a crime for a reson to commit, or to attempt to commit, suicide is abrogated. which means it is no longer against the law to commit suicide or attempt to commit suicide.
  • To attempt suicide is illegal. Obviously, if you've already committed it, there is no logic in convicting a dead person. Committing it is not illegal.
  • Lol. I think they just punish the survivors. Damned if you survive, damned if you die.
  • Ummm, by making them live? I never knew it was against the law!
  • They will arrest you for attempting suicide but they don't bring you to jail. They just need the legal grounds to bring you into involunatary treatment.
  • Every suicider knows how one will die. If he doesnt die its not even attempt to suicide, but just an act of getting noticed and gain public sympathy...the word attempt itself is absurd with suicide. cos every attempt has some or the other outcome and if there is no outcome how can it be termed attempt. and ya people who fail to kill themself a law should be made to hang them till death so that they are punished and no one makes an effort to do such acts.
  • it's illegal because you took your own life. your punishment will be obtain in after-life (if you believe there is)
  • In Texas, I think they revive you, then strap you into the electric chair.
  • Yes ....The law creates the option for insurance companies to not honor life insurance policies, depending on how the policy is worded. The suicide clause is designed to prevent people who are contemplating taking their own lives from obtaining life insurance. To accomplish this, the clause states that if the insured commits suicide within a specified period of time, the policy will automatically be voided. The amount of time varies, but it's usually the same length as the incontestable period: one or two years. The clause applies whether the insured is sane or insane at the time of the act. Once the mandated period of time has elapsed, the insurance company must pay the claim even if the insured commits suicide. Although this does not punish the dead, it does affect their heirs.
  • I think its illegal to prevent anyone helping in suicide, like Dr. kavorkian (idk how to spell his name)
  • I think that's incredibly stupid because all that does is give people who want to kill themself more motivation to be successful at it.

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