• The very first full appearance of Venom (he's briefly seen in the prior issue as a "cameo appearance") and fight between him and Spider-man is found in Amazing Spider-man #300. The price for this particular issue really varies. I have the issue myself and paid less than $50 for it, but thats not to say you can't find it listed at higher prices. This was also a 20th Anniversary Double Special that went for $1.50 when it was first released back in May of 1988. A near mint copy will run about $90, unless you come across a rare Chromium Edition which features a slick sheen on the cover page. If the issue is signed by Todd McFarlane, then the price will obviously go up. Like any investment item, price will rise as time passes. In another 20 years, the issue could be worth more. The following site is most likely the best resource on every Spider-man comic issue ever made and numerous details about each

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