• No not offensive, IMHO. I had trouble understanding him thru the accent though. 1/23/25
    • ★Stevo
      I forgot about how bad at speaking english we Australians are lol. You'd probably have a hard time understanding any word I said .haha
    • dalcocono
      I don't remember him being so difficult to understand when he was "crocodile Dundee" in the movie. There are a couple of reality shows from Australia my wife likes to watch, and some of those guys are hard to understand too.
    • ★Stevo
      he would of practiced speaking clearly for the movie can you understand
    • dalcocono
      That guy's funny. The further into the video he got though, the more difficult it was to figure out wth he was talking about! Is it like that when you Australians hear Americans talk?
    • ★Stevo
      some of the time
    • dalcocono
      Which American accent is the worst?
  • I'll raise you Paul Hogan and give you Quinn Dale
    • ★Stevo
      hes funny as. You pay me now haha
    • dalcocono
      I think Quinn is hilarious!
    • ★Stevo
      any more
  • Not at all. Differentiating between a good comedian and a bad one can be somewhat subjective, as humor is deeply personal and cultural.
  • I've never had a very high opinion of Paul Hogan.

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