• They hate the Israeli's wouldn't you hate a bady killer that killed members of your family? Is how they look at the idf there will be war and terrorist attacks against the Israelis until the end of time. Theres more Palastinians ,
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Thumbs up for sharing. Like you say, "They hate the Israel's" - then that's why the war continues.
    • 11stevo73
      It will continue forever or as long as you live. They hate each other , It didn't start yesterday did it? The tunnels in Gaza how long did they take to build? They could of built an under ground train, but choose to build tunnels to attack from.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Forever? Not precisely, cause the "famine" in Gaza is increasing day by day. Gazans are humans, you know. lol Benjamin Netanyahu said the war will continue through the end of 2024 or until Hamas is destroyed.
    • 11stevo73
      Or until Hamas is destroyed why I think it will continue longer than I will be alive unfortantely. there is no for-ever on a long enough time line,
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Gazans who are starving do not have a long enough time line. lol
    • 11stevo73
      Genocide are you going to allow 12 million people to die of starvation? Will they do it how come it was so bad when 4 millionJews died at the hands of the Nazi's and you're saying its all right for the jews to do the same to the palestinians? Why is it ok to kill palestinians but it was so wrong to kill jews?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Hamas is allowing Gazans to die of starvation. Once Hamas surrenders, Israel will ceasefire.
    • 11stevo73
      Israel is no better. They did steal the land in the first place , How many jews were there in 1940? Is why the palestinians will attack until there are no jews or they ali die unfortunately
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      God gave the land of Israel to the Jews. Since you don't believe in the Bible, I'll turn the tables: the US stole the land from the Native Americans, so go cry to US Congress about it, wahhh! LOL
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      God also kicked the Jews out of Israel for disobedience. Read you Bible. Its important.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Hulk, don't just cherry-pick. Jeremiah 30:3 states that God will restore the Jews from captivity (Hitler and the Jewish Holocaust) and restore them to the land that He gave to their fathers, as the Jews will once again possess the land. And this is exactly what we are seeing today.
  • #1 - They don't want to die. What do you think Hamas does to "traitors"? - #2 - The typical Gaza civilian probably "keeps their head down" for their own safety with regard to the doings of Hamas. That is: the typical civilian probably doesn't know where the entrances to the underground bunkers are and so-forth. Hamas has probably made at least some effort to keep those things secret from the general populace, and the general populace probably doesn't want to get too nosey about such things (again: for their own safety).
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      6/11/2024, *yawn*, but thumbs up for sharing anyway. This is old news you are sharing. They don't want to die? Gazan civilians have been dying since the Israel-Hamas war started in October 7, 2023. The death toll is at 37,000+ in the present. Hamas is no longer in the position to harm traitors, cause... 1. Hamas is afraid to be spotted by the IDF. 2. There are 2 million Gazans in which 1,067,986 are children, and the other million are adults. A million adults can easily overpower the remaining Hamas members with the help of the IDF. As for the civilians not knowing the entrance to their underground bunkers? The civilians are aware of the tunnels. Hamas couldn't have built the tunnels overnight and expect the civilians not to know about them. LOL Too funny!
      I don't think it's as simple as you imagine. Sure, a million people could overthrow Hamas...if there were a million people who wanted to suddenly at the same time attack well-armed soldiers. And just because the construction of tunnels was known to the people who were doing the construction doesn't mean that anyone else knew about it. Construction of tunnels can VERY easily be concealed in urban areas, especially if there are armed guards at the (enclosed) construction site keeping the looky-loos away. Of course they could have constructed the tunnels without the typical civilian knowing about them. (Standard concrete construction site security walls.) Even WE could manage that, and probably frequently do so in some of our major urban centers.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      The way I imagine it is exactly what's happening in the Gaza Strip. Facts: Hamas is in hiding mode, while Gazan civilians keep dying everyday. It is not like the civilians have anything to lose. Well-armed soldiers? Keep in mind that with the help of the IDF, Hamas can be destroyed, even if there are Hamas members blending in with civilians. Mostly every civilian knows about the tunnels, as the word spreads fast in Gaza, especially if the tunnel projects were constructed for military purposes to wage war on Israel. And again, it is exactly the case why the tunnels were built.
  • Palestinians in the Gaza strip have been without water and food before because of the Israeli blockages. The reason they won't give up Hamas is because they don't want to get killed by them, and they are hiding admist them, if they give them up, they get hurt aswell.
  • It goes back to the history of the region. Gaza is one of oldest cities in the world, Some say it is 10k years old, some say 7K but most say 5k years. It was there long before the Jews got here by 3k years. Its part of their identity as Arabs. The Gazans want to be Arab and they don't want to be Jewish. They have 5k years of tradition to live up to. long before the Jews got there. They see it as the cultural identity.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Before and during WWII the USA and European countries didn't want to accept Jews fleeing Nazism because the Catholics were calling the killers of Christ. So the Jews wound up in Palestine where there already a Jewish settlement. At that time it was only 10%. By the end of WWII it was 50%. The Allies wanted the Jews to have their own homeland to avoid the horrors of the contration camps. So when they redrew the borders of Palestine they give the Israeli's 55% and the Palestines 45%. Thereafter the Jews started invading Arab land and taking it, with US and British agreement. Go to Youtube and watch "The Nakba Why Palestinians refuse to forget."
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      The Jews started invading Arab land? That's because the surrounding Arab countries lost the Six-Day War, giving Israel the opportunity to gain more land. You should know that in war, it's kill or be killed or better yet, conquer or be conquered. :D
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      I'm talking about what happened in 1948 before Israel became a state, not what happened in 1967 which is what the Arabs did to reclaim that lost land.. Please inform yourself. I know what I am saying is strange and new. It has been kept and still is being kept from the American public.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Actually sweeetie it matters to me what I talk about. Why? I like to understand the news. You don't. lol
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Understand the news? I'm already ahead of you by trying to come up with solutions to save the Gazan people in asking why don't the Gazan civilians unite with the IDF to defeat Hamas. You're still stuck in old history that doesn't change anything. But since it matters to you, along with other Pro-Palestinians, do yourselves a favor and help the Gazans for a change, either by donating money to Qatar who funds Hamas or picking up arms and traveling to Gaza to fight the IDF. Don't just run your mouths pretending like ya care. LOL *Facepalm*
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Sweetie, If you understood the news you wouldn't have asked about why Gazans united with Israel. It would be like Roosevelt uniting with Hitler. . If you looked at my links you would have understood the It makes no sense. And as far ask going to Gaza myself. I have safer things to do this summer.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      But Stalin united with Roosevelt and Churchill, even though Stalin was deeply suspicious to the point of paranoia, knowing his capitalist allies would likely oppose any attempt to expand Soviet influence when the war ended. By your remarks, you are saying ALL Gazans are bad. I asked the question because there has been rumors of the Israeli government wanting to take a risk of arming some Gazans who are fed up with Hamas. More Gazans are growing critical of Hamas as the war continues, which some of them blame for the months-long conflict that has destroyed the territory and their lives. As for staying safe in summer, lucky you in comparison to Gazans. lol
  • Raw footage of what Hamas did on October 7, 2023: Hamas' remarks have been that as long as they are in power, they will plan more October 7 days on Israel until all the Jews are exterminated. Which is why, Gazans who voted for Hamas are screwed.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      And you still have no idea why any of this happened. Good for you. Answerbag is for entertainment only. lol
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      And you still have no idea that if you poke a bear, there will be repercussions. Gaza before and after:

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