I had that problem before. My avatar was fixed: I'm seeing the problem again with other avatars. Answerbag is falling apart. Instead of Answerbag going forwards, it is going backwards. The low amount of active Answerbaggers are hanging in here.
Shadow Of The Mind
Do you know how the avatar was fixed? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Yes, a moderator must have read a question I asked regarding my avatar:
My avatar is once again not working. This site has really become a mess.
Shadow Of The Mind
I agree. The avatars on the website have not been working for a while -
Jenny The Great ⭐
My avatar was working fine, until a few days ago that it stopped working. -
Shadow Of The Mind
It’s something technical on the website as to why the avatars have stopped working. It affects everyone on here with an uploaded image for their avatar. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
It does affect everyone, but everyone is not an active member like me. Those are users who have not been active in years. So they wouldn't know what is happening with their avatar. Unlike me, when I see my avatar not working, I am going to complain to get it fixed ASAP.
My avatar is now fixed so I assume other people’s avatars are also fixed. It must be part of a New Year thing on the website
1/7/2024, my avatar started working just a day before New Years Day.
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