• If I see 40 answers already I don't even bother with it usually. I don't know why so many old questions are being recycled now. Not enough interesting new ones maybe. 4/4/23
  • 4/4/2023, do you ever stop complaining when Answerbag doesn't go the way you expect? LOL 😂
    • Linda Joy
      If they only served cheese with their whine it might be worth listening to.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      stevo asked the same question a couple of weeks ago: It does bother him when questions have 40+ answers. He is quite a character.
    • Linda Joy
      Yeah, that's where I went to copy and paste in the answer I gave him back then.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Yes, I remember. For the record, I figured I would add the link.
  • I knew I had already answered this question for you once before, so I just copied it in. "Yes. It could start a whole new conversation. As Jenny pointed out it will only hold 100 answers, so if one comes up with 100 answers yours will not be recorded or seen. So... if its a good question and I want to know what the current AB users think I'll ask it over again! I've seen many questions over ten years old that have all new perspectives ten years later."
    • 11stevo73
      Show me a question Jenny has answered recently where her answer brings any thing or new or worth while to the subject at hand ? There isn't one.
    • Linda Joy
      I guess you didn't understand the part where I said I was copying this answer from the last time you asked this same question. THAT is when she pointed it out. I will not go fetch the link to the question YOU wrote. Just go to your profile and scroll back a page or two on your questions list like I did to get to it. I'm not in charge of Jenny, and we've had our clashes, but I can tell you that she's smarter than you and has contributed MUCH MUCH more to AB than you have recently simply by answering questions to bring them back to the questions list! And that would be "her answer" not "here answer" I wouldn't have mentioned it but since you decided to get snotty about Jenny I thought I would.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      stevo, I see you avoided interacting with me on my answer. Note this: Answerbag does not operate the way you want it to. It's not for you to tell AB'ers what questions they should or shouldn't answer. In your case, read the Answerbag Terms of Service : "PROHIBITED CONTENT You must not post to the Service any Content that, as reasonably determined by Answerbag, is or appears to be the following: untrue, misleading, harmful, (threatening, abusive, (harassing), defamatory, vulgar, obscene, invasive to another person's privacy or protected data, hateful, or racially or otherwise objectionable;" It is threatening, abusive and harassing to know what questions I have answered recently. I just looked at your Answerbag profile. You are a very hateful person by stating in your Answerbag Bio that we are all sh!t. Have a ball and get your act together.

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