• Communism - from the modern perspective - was invented by Karl Marx, who ideologically associated his social system with atheism. That is: Marxist Communism ***is inherently atheist***. The "Communist Movement" has followed Marxist philosophy and - so - been intentionally and fervently atheist. *** As analogy, US democratic principles *by the philosophical nature of the system* ensconce the idea of individual rights, public representation in government, absence of lineal class structure (for example: absence of a "nobility" class), etc.
  • Communism is steeped in Judaism, which is opposed to Christianity. If you dig a little deeper into Zionism, you'd find that it is the driving force behind the Communism and Marxism that is threatening the world today. Read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to see their eye-opening agenda. That's why there are so many accusations of "antisemitism" being thrown around. There is nothing directly connected with Judaism happening, yet, the accusations prevail. It's Zionism protecting itself against criticism and exposure. They can't allow a country to worship God.
  • Because Karl Marx, the author of Communist Manifesto said Religion is the opiate of the People.๐Ÿ˜“
  • I am an atheist but disagree with communism because itโ€™s evil. Some people label atheists as being bad or evil because they are stereotypical and ignorant. Atheism is misunderstood by religious weirdos who always get the wrong idea about others.

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