• The history of religion is as old as the history of man himself. That is what archaeologists and anthropologists tell us. Even among undeveloped, civilizations, there is found evidence of worship of some form. Besides its antiquity, religion also exists in great variety. The headhunters in the jungles of Borneo, the Eskimos in the frozen Arctic, the nomads in the Sahara Desert, the urban dwellers in the great metropolises of the world​—every people and every nation on earth has its god or gods and its way of worship. The diversity in religion is truly staggering. The study of the origin and development of religion is a comparatively new field. For centuries, people more or less accepted the religious tradition into which they were born and in which they were brought up. Most of them were satisfied with the explanations handed down to them by their forefathers, feeling that their religion was the truth. There was seldom any reason to question anything, nor the need to investigate how, when, or why things got started. In fact, for centuries, with limited means of travel and communication, few people were even aware of other religious systems. However, the picture began to change. During the 19th century the theory of evolution, along with the advent of scientific inquiry, caused many to question established systems, including religion. Recognizing the limitations of looking for clues within existing religion, some began to investigate the remains of early civilizations. They tried to apply psychology, sociology, anthropology, and so forth, hoping to discover a clue as to how religion began and why. On the surface, the many religions in existence today seem quite different from one another. However, if we strip them of the things that are mere embellishments and later additions, or if we remove those distinctions that are the result of climate, language, peculiar conditions of their native land, and other factors, it is amazing how similar most of them turn out to be. Interestingly, among the legends common to many religions is one that says humankind began in a golden age in which man was guiltless, lived happily and peacefully in close communion with God, and was free from sickness and death. While details may differ, the same concept of a perfect paradise that once existed is found in the writings and legends of many religions. Many people today express little interest in religion. They neither talk much about religion nor do they particularly let it affect their lives. However, you cannot help but have noticed another apparent evidence of an intense interest in religion: People are fighting, yes, even killing one another because of religion. True, you may not have thought about it in exactly those terms, but that is what is happening. Yes, on one hand religion seems to “evoke commitment, loyalties, passions and, paradoxically, sometimes war” and, on the other hand, people in general just do not know what their religion teaches, nor do they care to find out.
  • It depends on your religion.
  • WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS There is a religion that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father. James 1:27, Pure, or true, religion comes from God. WHAT ELSE WE LEARN FROM THE BIBLE To please God, a religion must be based on Bible truth. John 4:23, 24. Religions based on human ideas are futile. Mark 7:7, 8 What is false religion? It is any religion that teaches us to worship God in a way that is against his Word. The Bible calls all false religion “Babylon the Great.” (Revelation 17:5) Why? After the Flood of Noah’s day, many false religious teachings started in the city of Babylon. Those false teachings spread all over the earth. For example, the people living in Babylon worshipped groups of three gods. Today, too, many religions teach that God is a Trinity, but the Bible clearly teaches that there is only one true God, Jehovah, and that Jesus is his Son. (John 17:3) People living in Babylon also believed that part of a person continues living after the body dies and that that part can suffer in hell. That is not true.
  • Most religions act like spoiled brats that can't get along, can't coexist, and absolutely refuse to play nice, except with spoiled adult children this means fanaticism, misery, torture, maiming and death on a grand scale. The old 'my way or the highway' taken to the extreme. Zealots and rabid dogs...the same cure applies to both.
  • For the most part today religions the Christian religions they all talk about God and about their savior but when it comes to actually going out and preaching the word from door to door or at Walmart or on the street corner well you know as well as I do that just about only two groups are doing that the Jehovah's witnesses in the Mormons. And only the Mormons will offer to do physical work for you or ask you if you have a physical need the Jehovah's witnesses will preach to you but you'll never hear them say do you need any physical work done do you have any physical needs that we can help you with. And the Jehovah's witnesses in the Mormons are only a tiny part of Christianity for the most part people go to church on Wednesday and Sunday to have a little song and dance and maybe eat dinner at the church and then go home. And that's the end of their worship to God until next week. If you're going to have a religion especially one that you claim is Christian you need to practice that religion 24 hours a day 7 days a week and that's just not happening especially these days

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