• Yes. I've done it to others as well. Many people just call you back without checking the message anyway when they see that you called.
    • Rick Myres
      I rarely did call my sister inlaw's phone the last time I called she hung up before the voice mail I will never call again. One time I called twice for a ride and no answer with 15 minutes between times and never called me back so I walked then I told my brother in an emailed I had walked and it did my neurological no good and he emailed back said I should have called. He must think I am stupid.
    • Linda Joy
      Do you have a social worker? Sometimes they can help with stuff like that. Of course there's always the cab, or bus.
    • Rick Myres
      No I don't have a social worker. I had no money and needed a ride to the finance place. Then had to use part of my loan for a cab. That cost me $12 to get home from across town.
    • Linda Joy
      You could always hitchhike. I did that to get back and forth to work for a month. And you probably have a social worker and just don't know it. If you get any type of assistance at all including medicare you have a social worker. SNAP has social workers, HUD has social workers. Or you can call DHR/DHS and talk to a social worker. If you are on social security you have a social worker there, too! Use them. They are already being paid to help you.
  • usually robocallers do that
  • Most are from Robo callers.
  • Yes, the calls can't have been important.

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