• Once a week "Newsbroke" with Francesca Fiorentini
    • Ice man
      Thanks, I'll have a look for it.
    • Ice man
      I'll have to bookmark that one. I like her sarcasm and funny remarks.
  • Whoa! Amazing singer, takin us back.
    • Ice man
      The kid is good, I'll give him that.
    • Boola Boo
      He lives in the south and is also a minister. Has all that "soul" naturally.
  • Anything by Casey Neistat
    • Ice man
      He's certainly an "off the wall" kind of guy.
    • Mircat
      I doubt if i could last more than a couple hours with him. Too hyper but he is very creative and his editing and story set up are phenomenal.
  • I have several favourite Pornhub videos. My Tube likes those.
    • Ice man
      Quelle surprise !!
    • Lilo Avli
      I didn't know you spoke Canadian ? Night school classes ?
    • Ice man
      No, I came by it naturally.
    • Lilo Avli
      Next time, clean up afterwards.
  • Classical music... Johann Strauss II - The Blue Danube:

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