• I wonder that myself, too.
    • Linda Joy
      There are at least two and there may be more
    • Ice man
      Hahaha " there may be more". There are probably over a thousand, when you include old members who will never come back.
    • Linda Joy
      I found 3 so far you really think there are over a thousand? This was poorly conceived!
  • It was the most common name used by people who were too lazy or didn't want to think of an original or unique name for themselves. It was the same with avatars, why do you think we see so many of those unoriginal stupid looking bag faces ? Also, when people got fed up and wanted to leave .. they weren't allowed to just close their account/user profile so they would erase their name and avatar then change it to ...Yup, you guessed it ..."Anonymous" .
    • Linda Joy
      I thought names here were exclusive like other sites. I think I'll keep my unoriginal bag face. Its not likely I'll be confused with anyone else.
    • Linda Joy
      Besides it's not like you can see who's question it is before we answer it anyway unless you guys can with a computer all I can see is the question on my phone. I can't see who asked it until I open the question.
    • Ice man
      Yes, we can see who asked the question before opening it. You should go to a library and use a computer to find yourself an avatar on any free clip-art site and load it on your profile. An original avatar separates you from all the rest and makes it easier for your friends to spot you on the question pages. When I'm cruising thru the question pages I'll often skip over the bag faces because most of them are ancient questions from the old days.
    • Linda Joy
      I could get an avatar with my phone. I might put a pic on here. I'm trying to decide between an old hag with warts on her nose, Jessica Rabbit, or an actual pic of me. What do you suggest?
    • Linda Joy
      Also, can you change it later?
    • Anoname
      I've been meaning to suggest Linda getting an Avatar so we can spot her Q's faster.
    • Linda Joy
      So of the above options which do you suggest?
    • Linda Joy
      Shouldn't it be easier for you since you're following me? Also I'm not convinced I want an avatar I'm just considering it.
    • Anoname
      The follower panel shows your most recent ten or so posts. You sometimes complain your not getting enough responses to Q's. I don't see those Q's if you comment or post ten more times after your Q is made unless I go hunting for them amongst all the other Q's (or go to your personal profile page) I could find and answer more of your Q's if you had an Avatar that was easy to spot from all the other Bag logos. (Besides I think you're getting tired of hearing from me at this point.)
    • Ice man
      @ Linda - What you use for an avatar is up to you, but I suggest something that is personal to you, that way there is a much smaller chance of someone else using the same avatar as you (yes, it's happened in the past) . Yes it can be changed later if you change your mind. But remember that if you keep changing it ... your friends will lose track of you and you'll be no farther ahead. So pick something you're more likely to stay with .... and you'll get the action you're looking for.
    • Linda Joy
      Anoname, I'm getting plenty of responses to my questions now! But why would you assume I'm tired of hearing from you!? That's definitely not the case!
    • Linda Joy
      Ice man, it's not likely anyone else will be using my own picture.
    • Linda Joy
      I've been sick for 3 days and my first day back I've seen a lot of hostility directed at me. Now this! May be coming back wasn't such a good idea
    • Linda Joy
      Anyway thank you guys for the information
    • Anoname
      Glad you're feeling well enough to return.
  • If you think that's odd, you want to go to Yahoo Answers. There are dozens of anonymous accounts there, I am 99% sure most of them are the same person with multiple accounts posting the same annoying rubbish every day.
  • That's how I chose my AB name of Anoname . It begins Anon as in Anonymous.
    • Linda Joy
      I posted comments up where you commented on Ice man's answer scroll up please.
  • That is the purpose of anonymous. You don't know who or how many there are.
  • not sure

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