• That's an increasingly hard find here in Austin. 6 Years ago, while on probation, (and it hadn't even been 5 years since my felony,) I found an apartment in south Austin through a locator. The going has been rougher this time around..... especially since I have a wife and 2 kids now, and don't want to accept just any old apartment in any area of town. There is one place they have mentioned to me, which I checked out, which I believe is called "The Waters" at Bluff Springs, or something like that... It's on the east side of I-35, just south of William Cannon, but it's kind of nestled away like it's a little community. It's a newer property, and looks pretty nice from what I've been shown. My wife and I are considering renting there, but could run into one problem. They'll take a lot of stuff (of course with the exception of sex related crimes) and they'll take felons, but they won't take assaults, even if you were arrested for, but not convicted of. That's the wall that's blocking me for that apartment, but you should give that place a shot. Like I said, it looks like a nice community. One that I'd be comfortable raising my family in for a couple years before we by a house. If not, I'd recommend using an apartment locator, they're in the know as far as where you can be accepted here. Only problem with them is they push you to sign instantly so they can collect their bonus on that sell, so be ready for a little pushiness from them.... but all in all, it's worth it, and totally free for most locators.

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