• Never ever walk on anyone's grave. Be quiet and respectful. We visit my Significant Other's parents graves twice a year to pay our respects...once on his Mom's birthday (June 21) and once on his Dad's birthday (December 21). I was never privileged to meet them because they passed away before my SO and I met. But they did such a great job raising him I feel as if I know them.
  • Do not take your dog there and allow them to water the flowers and leave behind "land mines".
  • I was taught to never walk on someone's grave and never raise your voice in a cemetery. Also, to speak respectfully of the dead, or do not speak of them.
  • Never walk on the dead...unless they are your relatives. You can stand over them and pray or set flowers and sit with them. Never take flowers from another grave to put on your loved ones grave. Speak softly. Respect every stone you pass. Do not vandalize them or disturb them in any way...except to clear away obstructions like grass or weeds. Never dispose of trash there. Do not hang out for parties and smoke dope , drink, or engage in sex there. (If the dead can't enjoy it why should you in front of them) A cemetery is a place of peace and rest...not yours or your pet's toilet.
  • Trample on people's graves, laugh at any funny names on tombstones you come across, turn the wooden crosses upside down so they represent Satan, get into the crypts and fuck the bodies.
  • Personlly I do respect the deceased in Cemetaries.. but I also know there are just graves there and bodies.. they Soul Moves on as soon as they take their last breath and their Heart stops Beating !!.. I also Enjoy taking Orb Pics in the Cemetary.. I do respect the dead.. but also.. they know we are only Human as they once were.. this being said : if we decided to Laugh or cry or read the head stones.. our deceased loved ones Understand !!
  • Don't denigrate the dead or else their spirits might follow you and haunt you if you piss them off.
  • An attitude of respectful quiet is appropriate.
  • A cemetery is a place for place to gather to pay respect to those who have pasted first and foremost. If your just passing though and there is a service going on please be respectful and keep voices down, don't drive though area where that service is going on. All are welcome, take all the pictures you feel like as long as you don't disturb others while doing it. Have questions, come find a cemetery personal who will gladly help you find your love one. as for crying and laughing were all human and as people read headstones each person is moved in a different way, as long as they are respectful while their in cemetery thats all that matters.

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