• Johnny doesn't have an official fan mail address, there's only this one for his agent: c/o Tracey Jacobs United Talent Agency 9560 Wilshire Blvd. #516 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 USA From -
  • There's alot try
  • if any of you reading this want to see the by far the coolest guy ever Johnie depp meets Bruce lee meet Jim Carey, meets Russel crow, meets, charlie Chaplin, meets better than any yogi healer in the history of the world go to and then click in the1andonlyknight and that will take you to a bunch of just random clips and just click on any of those but click on this the1andonlyknight and that will take you to over 250 of the most amazing movie clips you ever saw!!!! I MORE THAN GUARANTEE ALL OF YOU GIRLS!!! NOT GUYS THEY WILL ALL BE JEALOUS OF THIS JOHNY DEPP MEETS ALL OF THE ABOVE PLUS MORE!!!

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