• Because its cheaper than taking you do the doctors
  • should be ginger-ale. ginger settles the stomach. it's also good for sea-sickness.
  • because when your a kid your mom thinks everything starts with a stomache. Everyone knows a stomachache is pretty much nothing more than "gas". If you drink a highly carbonated drink like Sprite/7Up it will make you burp hence you will no longer have gas. Volla!!! your cured...that will be $150 : )
  • Mum didn't have to make us drink lemonade when we were sick. Soft drink was a treat so she didn't have any trouble getting us to have some. The idea was if we had a gastric upset, lemonade would be one of the few things we could keep down.
  • Ginger settles the stomach. 7up and Sprite are clear so many think that they are the same as Ginger Ale. Insist on Reed's ;)

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