• probably nothing you can do, short of changing your diet. you are what you eat... add more citrus to your diet, and try switching to chicken or pork instead of beef or fish. also, this is something i discovered on my own, but if you make sure you clean yourself every time you pee, you'll always be super fresh and super clean.
  • If the odor is fishy your probably need an antibiotic. If it is bread like you probably need an antifungal. Have you been on antibiotics lately?
  • Are you thinking you are the only one with a vaginal odour and are embarrassed over this, well think again; there is no such thing as an actual vaginal odour? That`s right, no smelly vagina. What you have is a smell caused by something other than the vagina itself. Your odour will have a "simple" explanation for occurrence and normally always a silly one. Tight clothing around the genitals - only compact the area therefore containing any sweat. With no room to breathe personal bits become embarrassingly smelly and gooey. Stale pee and pubic hair is not a good match. After urinating cleanse thoroughly. A strict hygiene pact with the vagina is the best way to keep intrusive odours low key or gone. Regular bathing and underwear change (cotton) is necessary to keep the vagina fresh. Avoid scented soaps they can irritate the skin. The vagina is an aperture sited directly below the urethral opening. Outside of the vaginal opening are the labia minor, the smooth inner lips of the vulva. Outside of the inner lips are the labia majora of which on puberty develops pubic hair. The vagina is self-cleansing. Vaginal walls produce the necessary secretions that provide lubrication to clean and maintain proper acidity. If you have tried every trick in the book and the odour stays stubborn then to have it removed speak to your GP. Vaginal infections happen when bacteria, fungi or viruses grow in and around the vagina. Particular sorts of bacteria - good and bad locate here. They produce acid which fight off bacterium (bad) as well as viruses and fungi that don't normally dwell in the vagina. Something that proves to be a threat lowering the vaginal acidity can give reason for infection. Women will suffer an episode of thrush at some time, and 9 to 28% bacterial vaginosis. If an odour smells fishy and pain during sexual intercourse is experienced, or you suffer abdominal pain along with redness, swelling or ulceration of the vulva then - these are a sure sign of a vaginal infection. Aside from discharge change being a tell tale sign of infection - so is pain burning or stinging while weeing. Discharge serves a purpose like other body secretions i.e. sweat and saliva; it also keeps the vagina healthy. Not sure what is a normal discharge or not normal then check below. 1 Normal discharge should show up clear or whitish (yellowish when dried) with a mild smell or none at all. It can look pasty sticky to clear and stretchy, depending on where you are in your monthly cycle. 2 Abnormal discharges normally show up yellowy greenish. Fishy odour is a giveaway sign for infection (Bacterial vaginosis.) Seeing lumpy clots is not healthy nor is it normal. Nonetheless, neither is it reason for concern. Pop along to your doctor and check it out. Abnormal discharge can encourage itching, vaginal soreness and rash. Women can have different levels of discharge, therefore more the reason to seek GP advice than that of your friend or relative. Testing for infection will have your doctor examine the skin around the vagina and the lining inside. It is not a painful process, more embarrassing, so close your eyes and think of England. An instrument called a speculum is sometimes used. A sample of discharge is usually taken using a swab and sent on for further testing. The fungus Candida albicans grows on and in nearly every woman`s body. Although not damaging, if allowed to grow excessively, it can cause thrush (vaginal candidiasis). Symptoms of thrush include irritation and soreness of the vulva along with a vaginal discharge which is a thick white and unlike BV, not smelly. Most infections respond to anti fungal treatments namely imidazole cream or pessaries or fluconazole (Diflucan) tablets. Unfamiliar products should not be used without consulting your doctor. If a condition is treated with medication not solely created for that particular purpose it can result in serious consequences. Avoid thrush by wearing no so tight cotton underwear and change regularly according to circumstance. Perfumed products are not ideal. Vaginal douches disturb the natural protective acidity of the vagina so ignore. Bacterial vaginosis develops when bacterium normally found in the vagina (Lactobacillus) are overgrown by others (Gardnerella vaginalis,) which are usually found in less numbers. Bacterial vaginosis discharge appears thin watery, Grey with a fishy smell. Like all infections it needs treating. Infections do not go away themselves; leave nothing to chance. Untreated BV can lead to miscarriage, premature labour and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). It also increases risk of virus spreading, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Metronidazole is an antibiotic treatment for this condition. Its effectiveness is great and normally comes in the form of cream or pills. BV is not an STD. Most featuring symptom of trichomoniasis includes heavy, foamy, yellowish-greenish fish-smelling discharge. Study links trichomoniasis with infertility, upping risks of spreading HIV and low birth-weight in babies. It is important to know the differences of conditions and symptoms to avoid confusion. Mistakenly believing you suffer from an ailment of a serious nature can cause you unnecessary stress. Before worrying yourself over something that maybe little or nothing - seek help. An STD and a common occurring vaginal infection will have you stress less over any vaginal odour if you can differentiate between the two. Chlamydia is an STD caused by the sexually transmitted bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis kills cells of the lining of the cervix. Symptoms, painful peeing, bleeding after sex, long-term pelvic pain and infertility. Unlike BV It doesn't always produce an abnormal discharge. Wear a condom if sexual activity is on the cards, if you don`t your card may be well and truly marked. Vaginal odor may limit sexual activity in a relationship; the woman feels uncomfortable, and the man becomes a little distant. However, the vagina has a distinct smell that is not a problem. Each girl has a particular vaginal smell; it is natural. Even when you notice a recent difference in its smell, it is not necessarily an infection. That change may be linked to a specific moment of your menstrual cycle because the smell of your vagina can vary depending on the time of the cycle. A healthy vagina always emerges a discrete odor at one time or another. It is normal that it has a certain odor sometimes. Whether this natural smell is neutral or not, it is a matter of personal judgment. In fact, some women notice their odor when there is no notable odor detected by their partners. However, if the odor changes and becomes strongly unpleasant (repugnant fishy vaginal odor), this change deserves attention because it is perhaps a sign of a serious vaginal infection. Left untreated, this condition may cause not only physiologic problems but also emotional (stress) and social problems (the person feels uncomfortable thinking the odor is detected by others). What to do when you have vaginal odor? Many women believe that vaginal odor are the result of a lack of personal hygiene and wash excessively their vagina unaware that they worsen the problem. While poor genital hygiene can be the cause, excessive washing is not the solution. Very often, women hampered by a strong vaginal odor should not begin to wash themselves intensively. That does not help at all. The first thing to do should be restoring the acidity and the balance of the vaginal flora naturally. That restoration cannot be done by excessive antibiotic intake; it decreases your immune system. How to restore the balance of the vaginal flora? The vaginal flora consists of a large number of microaerophilic bacteria. Among them, lactobacilli are considered the principal ones for their role in protecting the vagina. These micro-organisms are primarily responsible for protective acidity of the vagina. Wash the vagina too often increases its pH, which disrupts the vaginal flora and can cause vaginal infections and particularly unpleasant odors. That is, do not rush to wash your vaginal excessively when you suffer from vaginal health issues. If the vaginal flora is disrupted, pathogenic bacteria proliferate, resulting in bacterial vaginosis. This type of proliferation tends to increase the number of bacteria normally present in the vagina causing unpleasant fishy vaginal odor. What are the causes of vaginal odor? Besides excessive washing, douching, tight clothes and certain chemicals (scented body washes, antibacterial soap, etc) can cause vaginal infection or yeast infections. Certain contraceptives and foreign body in vagina can provoke vaginal odor and other major health issues. Vaginal and anal intercourse alternation during the same session can cause vaginal infection resulting in vaginal odor. Though rare, diet can affect the smell of your vagina. In some cases of vaginal odor, eating a healthy diet (eating fruit and vegetables abundantly) can re mediate the condition without any medical treatment Useful tips Wear clean tampons and change them regularlys Avoid Douching, it is not necessary; it can damage or destroy the normal acidity of the vagina resulting in vaginal problems. If you suffer from ant type of vaginal infection, it is recommended to avoid wearing tight underwear and pants so that the vagina can breathe easier. Tight clothes can irritate the vagina and cause or increase vaginal odor. Wearing cotton panties is also important. If a vaginal infection persists despite treatment, you need to see a doctor because it could be a sign of Cancer of the cervix or vagina, Bacterial Vaginosis, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Gonorrhea, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), Vaginitis, Yeast Infection, etc. For women, after intercourse, it is important to go urinate. Urination after sex helps to remove any possible bacteria that may be outside or inside the vaginal canal that would go up in the urethra. Because once present, these microbes tend to go up into the bladder, and can cause recurrent urinary infections. Urination causes a cleansing effect, forcing the microbes outside. Is there a natural treatment for vaginal odor? Yes herbal remedies are formulated to be total Feminine products. Not only are they designed to attack the root causes of your current bacterial vaginosis but also their recurrence. Naturally, they balance the flora of your vagina. The ingredients in our remedies can assist in the re-establishment of the natural lactobacilli in your vagina and significantly boost your immune system to fight your existing condition and its recurrence.

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