• Surround yourself with friends. Not only will it "distract" you, it ultimately will make you feel better and you'll know that you are loved. No one is unloved. =]
  • i dont know, for me its used to be my pc with internet, but lately that does not seam to be helping. reading a few books if you can might help,
  • just realise that the person who hurt you never understood you and that its better to get out and take a walk and just see better beautiful faces of kids and strangers. A smile is a curve that sets everything straight." — burgster.
  • When I was jilted and betrayed, I started to watch horror movies because I thought nothing could scare me out of my depression. I was wrong, I was scared and depressed. However, going out, meeting people and forcing myself to smile eventually got me back on track. Watching funny movies or comedies will make you feel better - "Laughter, the best medicine".
  • stop reading books that has a love story or either watching movie with it.. hmm when i feel like that.. i write what i feel or talk about it with someone.. releasing it will help you get out of it faster than you can.. if you can't find one.. i let myself sleep..
  • Firstly: Realise that it is fair for you to feel hurt. You HAVE been. So let yourself grieve the hurt, but set yourself a time to end the grieving. In that way, you let yourself acknowledge the hurt, but also tell yourself that there is a future. Secondly: Forgive the person who has hurt you. Say the words out loud. I FORGIVE X for hurting me. They had no right to do that, but they did. Still, I forgive them, because I want it no longer to be my problem, but theirs. (you may not feel very forgiving, but that's okay; the feeling takes a while. The words,however, must be said, more than once, if necessary) Thirdly: surround yourself with positive people, people who love you and appreciate you for the special individual you are. All the best. I know where you are. I have been there. Sometimes it takes a long time to get through the tunnel, but you will, and, when you do, you want to come out wiser, but not bitter.
  • Shopping!!! :D
  • Other than those listed above, i have one other method that can help to lift my mood. When you have a moment or two where you're happy, write a list of positives about yourself, or even better, get your friends to write them. Carry this list with you where ever you go, and when you do have a down moment, simply read through them. It is better to read them out loud, but sometimes this isn't possible. Although it doesn't cure the sadness, it does give you a little lift. =)
  • awww *hug* sorry to hear that I sympathise with u sometimes I feel the same way. You know what boosts me? my grandma told me this story once: King Solomon had a coin that when he was happy he would look at it and feel a little sad, when he was sad he would look at it and smile. What did it say? 'And this will be over' Right now ur feeling sad and low, bt have no fear it will be over soon and u will feel happy again :)
  • have a really long shower and just sit there for like 15mins and think about nothing, then start laughing hysterically at whatever e.g a baby covered in chocolate, a kid hurting himself all that nice clean fun stuff, laugh and laugh till you get a headache then cover your face in a pillow and yell out an unusual word that isnt really funny but for some reason is e.g ragamuffin as loud as you can till you throat hurts then do something youve always wanted to do no matter what it is e.g wait till midnight take off all your clothes and go into your backyard and just think about it. when your naked it really puts things into perspective hope you feel better soon

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