• I have two different families. I have a blood family that I never see and never get along with. Then I have the family that I surround myself with- A "mom" who is really just an older really great friend who helped raise me, my real Father, my "aunt" who is another really great friend who has been around for a long time, my "mom's" kids who are my siblings, and of course any family of theirs is family of mine. I also have my BF's family who I'm not related to, but they all call me family. I think family is what you put into it. I have learned that blood isn't much more than genetics sometimes, and that if you want a family you have to make one. Appreciate the people who ARE there and don't worry and fret about the people who aren't. If it weren't for these "extra" family members, I'd have pretty much no one. What makes family is love- not blood. Think about adoptions- they aren't blood most of the time. But they're still a family because they have love.
  • I grew up in the very typical "Leave It To Beaver" family. my dad worked and made an excellent salary. my mother did not have to work. she was a typical 50s housewife and mother. she stayed home and raised her children. sounds like this family came from a fairly tale story, huh? It happened and here is why: We had dinner at 5 pm every day. we talked about each other's events of the day. we actually listened to each other and sometimes pretended to be interested. we were not that good. Bottom line, we were together. being together somehow seats the bond of a family. each person going their separate way, will not form a family bond. My mother was home to make sure i stayed out of trouble. that i had someone at home to answer to. i did not run wild after school or on the weekends. i knew my mother was there and waiting for my brother and i. I believe family ties cannot be invented, they must be born into each one of us. as an example, my family continued the 5 pm family gathering dinner with our children. my children know the meaning of the family bond. My wife and i are now great grandparents. i am proud to say that this family tradition is being carried on by our children, to their children. Good family bonding is precious. many, many families do not know this experience. i am proud to say that this experience is alive and well in my family.
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  • Family is a group that supports you and cares for you, all the better if it is the nuclear family that does it. It may range from two people to many members. Blood is blood. It stops there. What about adopted children, are they less a part of a real family environment? A perfect family is non-existent in my opinion, there's always some disfunctionality to go with it. The ideal in my mind is that the parents set a good example, create a good environment and provide loving care for their children, and that everyone treats each other respectfully and stand together through good and bad times.

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