• Our Bowel movements smell because of sulfur. Eat things with less sulfir in them and you'll be (mostly) okay.
  • It really depends on what you eat. There smell will change if you changer your diet. The more complete you digest your food the less smell there will be but there will always be some smell. Eating meat is one of the things that makes your poops smell very bad. And they are also one of the things that is very hard to digest. One of the things that makes our poops smell is made in our intestinal tract from tryptophan. Some people think that it happens so we will stay far from our dung and thus stay away from the disease and other bad things in our own excrement. Makes some sense.
  • All the dead bacteria that give off methane and hydrogen sulphide. Eating a diet fairly low in protein and fat will normally make poop less smelly. Btw, I wonder why people we don't like have smellier poops that people we do like. Is it a reverse halo effect or something?

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