• In the Mormon church you will have to (most likely be asked to) convert. Mormons unlike the rest of Christianity believe that marriage is not just for life, but is forever.. it continues after death. Nonmormons are thought not be as guaranteed a place in the hereafter so there is concern of separation after death of married couples. You know the song and dance when it comes to most brands of Faith - they think that they are the only true path to God and fear for the lives of others who do not follow their brand of faith. Same principle at work here.
  • As I understand it from being raised a Mormon and having Mormon misionaries at the house every week, and reading the book of Mormon plus all the documentries I've seen since leaving the Church only if you both become Mormon. Sure, you can have him officiate off church grounds and with a non-Mormon ceremony, but without the deciation and a big hefty check you can count out the whole kit and kabboddle. And good luck getting one to agree if you're pregnant.
  • I think you should consider getting married in a church were you are both comfortable with the belief's of the church, and are willing to pratice them. Why would want to jump through hoops for something neither of you believe in? Why would support a "jack mormom" husband (hypicrate)? How about, sit with your fiance, and discuss your morals and beliefs, and find a church that supports and encourages them? To get married in the temple, you not only have to both be members, the groom must have gone on Mission, as well!
  • I strongly caution you to seek the wisdom of God and a pastor prior to getting married.I also married an inactive mormon,but guess what after children he went back.As a born again believer this is a HUGH struggle and may destroy my marriage.Just ask him his belief on the Father,Son,Holy Ghost.Please do your research.
  • Yes! Of Course! I know this is late..hope the baby is well! Good Luck to you!
  • You don't have to convert to Mormonism just to get married by a bishop. Just ask the bishop of the ward of the geographical area your partner resides in. Two of my friends did this and they had nice ceremonies at the LDS chapel.
  • Its not called a mormon preacher, its a bishop. ANd you would have to check with yours in your local area. He would have to decide if he would

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