• depends on how hungry i get.
  • In my care it wouldn't be long.
  • You must make a difference between wild rabbit, farm rabbit, factory rabbit and pet rabbit. 1) Some time ago, the average life span for a pet rabbit was about 5 - 7 years. Now, it should be 7 - 10 years, due to a progress in rabbit care, nutrition and medicine. Source: 2) "Rabbits generally live between four and 20 years." Source: 3) "The average life span for a rabbit is approximately 5 to 7 years. It should be noted, however, that most sanctuary rabbits come from abusive factory farm conditions and, consequently, may have more health problems and shorter life spans." Source:
  • We used to raise rabbits and found they lived about 8-12 years. These were large breed rabbits, don't know if the same is true of dwarf breeds. We had New Zealands, California, French Lops, English Spots. The French Lops lived the longest for us. Then the New Zealands, whihc we bred for meat. THey had a busy life but still usually lived till about 10 years.
  • about 8 to 13 years.
  • 8 to 12 years
  • All depends how juicy he looks to me.

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