• It is painted red. The color isn't quite deep red, but it is darker than a typical red. I would estimate it at around #EE1122 for those who do hex color. It is a cube with beveled edges; the corners aren't sharp. Each side has wholes indicating the numerical amount. The six, arranged in two groups of three in parallel lines, is opposite the one, a lone dot in the center of its side. The three, a diagonal stripe of lines, opposes the four, which has one indentation in each corner. The five and the two are across from one another, the five being like a four and a one and the two being a three minus the one. It, as a whole, is slightly shiny. It smells of sweat. One of the wholes on the six has been marked with a pen.
  • ABUSE - Is a control action that preys on the innocent and and weak - That can ruin someones life over selfish act's by a Bully and a Manipulater (ms) some words may be misspelled but the pain is the same

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