• 0 aren't they nuclear?
  • The bigger US aircraft carriers are nuclear, so get infinite miles per gallon. However, a recent article on deduced that the QE2 went about 40-50 feet per gallon. The USS Nimitz displaces almost exactly twice as much as the QE2, so at a rough guess would use twice as much fuel if it were oil fueled. So a rough guess would be 20-30 feet per gallon.
  • It depends. A Kitty-Hawk class carrier has four engines and sometimes (though seldom) one or two of them are off-line. If it runs in the normal "four burning, four turning" mode then we are talking about 20-30 feet per gallon as ImAlec guessed. This improves considerably if you shut down a boiler.
  • Those that are non-nuclear: I would love to own the station filling them up. Their credit card limit must be high!
  • if you have to ask you can't afford it. But I understand that toyota has a hybrid aircraft carrier on the drawing board
  • Planes are expensive. Planes don't get miles per a gallon, they use gallons per a mile. LOL Well at least that has been my experience with an '85 Cessna Conquest.

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