• Like "on the fire", it means someone is working on an an answer or a solution.
  • In politics, in the United States House of Representatives, the hopper is the box which sits on the House Clerk's desk, into which a bill or resolution is dropped for introduction. In agriculture, a hopper on a combine is a tank or bin where the harvested grain is temporarily stored until it is unloaded to a truck or grain cart. I use this phase to mean that something is waiting to be dealt with at another time. So, these two definitions are closest to what I take it's meaning to be. I think it comes from one of these definitions but that is merely a guess.
  • In means something is in the works, it is active, it is ready to go. There is actually a wooden box that legislative bills were dropped in to and it was called the hopper. Once it was drafted and ready to be voted on, it was put in the hopper. A hopper is the funnel that you load coal in or beans to be roasted etc. When the hopper is full, things are ready to go!

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