• I would definitely report it, but I'd like to keep my identity anonymous, so maybe i'll write a snail mail to the Administrative officer or whoever is in charge. I think the goal of any employee is to see what works best for the company and not individual interests. So by reporting this to the company, you are doing good for the company. You would be doing wrong if you don't report it.
  • I'd wouldnt report it because most likely someone in management is in on it also. Especially, if the theif is able to get away with.Also, if the theif is very smart he would probably figure out a way to get the management to think the person reporting it is actually the theif.This answer is based on my dealing with actual people at work.Also, most work places have accountants and bookeepers who would eventually detect the theft anyway. Finally materialistic things dont matter. Ones personally happiness to be free of fear is more important than a workplaces money.Especially if the company makes alot of money anyway.
  • I would ask the co-worker to come clean but if they don't then I would report it. If everyone stole the company would go under and I'd be out of a job, not to mention the fact that I may not be able to get a raise because the company has to spend money to cover the cost of employee theft; which is in the billions.
  • In my field of work, the more money the company makes, the more I make, so yes I would report it.

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