• I spray my room with lavender spray.I got it in a sleep pack at a local chemists-products to help you sleep.It works better than I thought and actually smells nice.You will probably be able to get it in a health food shop as well, if not they will have lavender oil or sachets you can put under the pillow. I also sometimes use herbal sleeping tablets, again from health food stores or chemists.Read the back of the packet/speak to an adviser at the shop if you are taking medicines as sometimes they clash.
  • Avoid caffeine after dinner. Don't eat a late night snack. Don't exercise within a couple hours of bedtime. Reading (like a newspaper, not a horror or adventure story) also helps for me.
  • Nytol tablets , available in chemists but like all tablets don't rely on them all the time.
  • Any anti anxiety drug like Valium or Ativan can give you a good night's sleep.
  • I tend to read a book or watch TV. Eventually I dose off. I also hear warm milk and honey. Something is triggered in the milk when it is warmed and the honey makes it taste better. But I despise milk, so I have never tried it. I get insomnia a lot. Like now it is 6:30am here and I havn't slept yet.
  • A sedative like I take, but not tonight though.
  • Warm milk cooked on a stove. If you microwave it, you kill all the bacteria that helps to put you to sleep.

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