• When the girl becomes self-concious about her chestal area.
  • G'day Gymnast411, Thank you for your question. Girls should start wearing bras when they and their family think that they need them at the start of puberty. Some girls however wear bras seldom while others wear them all the time. It is a matter of personal choice. I have attached sources for your reference. Reference Wikipedia Puberty Puberty, periods and girls Kids health Adolescents and bras
  • Physically I believe she needs to start wearing one when she develops breasts and needs something to support them, otherwise it all goes down south when you're older! A lot also depends on when she feels she needs to wear one, that should be taken into account.
  • When she shows signs of development. Its nice to want her to have a choice in the matter but for the sake of offering her a little extra cushion (considering all the damn bastard pervs out in the world) - helping her by buying her a training bra is not a bad way to go!
  • when she starts developing breasts...or 12 because at that age even if you dont have boobs girls kind of talk and pick on each other so....if you're not wearing a bra by then they make fun of you.
  • Age is not important , it is the development of breasts that defines if a girl needs a bra not her age.
  • I was still wondering if girls still wore a training bra. One day I was at work and this customer came in with her daughter. Her daughter must've been nine or 10 years old and was wearing a training bra. I didn't mean to notice, but it wasn't hard to notice a pink training bra under a white shirt. The one thing that got me to laugh was when the daughter goes "Mommy, this damn bra is so damn itchy!" and sticks her hand down her shirt to adjust it and scratch her nipple

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