• not so much college, a university yes depending on the provacation.
  • Usually the only thing you submit to a college is your SAT score and your application and essay. sometimes you send your high school transcript but I seriously doubt that your discipline record will be included. Mine certainly wasn't, or I'd have never been let near a college campus!! :o) Good luck!
  • i dont think it would. i mean it doesnt go on your transcript. so i wouldnt worry about it.
  • I was suspended from highschool COUNTLESS times...and I got accepted to every college I applied for. I dont think they even look at that. Only grades.
  • It depends a little on what the admission requirements are for a particular university. Typically, you have to submit an application (which may or may not ask if you've been suspended), your official transcripts, SAT scores and letters of recommendation from guidance counselors or teachers. Even if the prospective university found out about the supension, it probably wouldn't count too much against you if the rest of your record is good and you can explain the situation in the interview.
  • Perhaps. But also GETTING better at typing will AFFECT your chances OF GETTING INTO A good college or university, and perhaps improving your English will help also! Just a little humour for you, there! :-)
  • No, you can still get into a good university but if it's between you and someone who never got suspended then they will get the spot.
  • did it involve the police? were you jailed or charged? was it a violent or felony assault? those are the things that will make you look like a disciplinary problem and effect your chances of entering a university - other than that, you should be good with your grades. stop fighting, it doesnt solve anything....and it isnt worth it.
  • Yes. conduct plays a big role in the final choice of students. this use to not be the case, but with the events of students having psychological problems, the school has to weed out potential trouble makers. you really cannot blame the colleges, based on the latest shootings.
  • Not if it is your only offense and there was no citation issued, but come's not worth it to risk your future like that.....
  • Not really. I mean you sohuldn't do that but i dont think that behaving in a bad way for once can not get you into any college/
  • It really depends - were you arrested? If you were, it may slow things down and possibly make it harder to get school loans especially if was a felony offence. If you weren't arrested then the most important thing to ask is: How are your grades and SAT scores? In the long run most anyone can go to some type of college as long as they do well on their entrance exams and have the financial resources to go. Never, Never, Never give up on wanting to better yourself.
  • You asked this question yesterday.
  • yeah getting suspended for fighting, what a GREAT way to show a potential university that they should accept your're well on your way to being a lead fry cook at McDonalds way to go 'tough guy'
  • I was suspended from high school for 2 days for fighting. Luckily, that one blemish on my behavioral record was far out-shined by my academic record, and it was never an issue for me. However, as others have stated, it may very well be something that potential college's take into consideration when viewing your application. One suspension might not be a huge problem, but repeated suspensions for fighting or other aggressive behavior might be.

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