• sometimes im in a situation where there are gossips around me, and it would be rude and only give them incentive to gossip about me if i just walked away, but i prefer to avoid them so they have no reason to talk about me.
  • I have friends who gossip and friends who don't. I don't avoid either group of friends. For the ones that do gossip, you KNOW they are talking about you to other people and you just need to be cautious of what you say, but not avoid it. I tend to stay out of the drama. I'm very real in the event that I have a problem with you; I will tell you. I won't tell your sister who will tell her boyfriend that will tell his mom and so on and so forth to the next week where you find out after everyone else did. I'll tell you. It's VERY easy to avoid drama that way.
  • I tend to avoid them.. I dont want to hear it and don't want it being circulated about me.
  • my experience with gossipers is that they're very bored and have nothing going on. i'd rather talk to somebody with interests or who can have a funny conversations, but i've also gotten to know enough to know it's not worth it. some people are just lost in the shuffle, and you've got to do what's good for you too.
  • I don't give this much thought. I feel everyone gossips to some extent and it can't be avoided. I just hope the gossip spread about me is true and not some made up baloney. At one time, there was some gossip about me having had several miscarriages. Some well meaning person who had a child stillborn wanted to give me some hope and encouragement. She started off her sentence as "Since I realize you have had many miscarriages..." I stopped her right then and there and told her "I want to inform you that I have never been pregnant and certainly had never had any miscarriages." She felt foolish but someone had said things about me that were 100 percent untrue.
  • I used to gossip and hang out with people who gossiped but now it all seems so petty and unladylike. I don't care for gossip anymore.
  • You can still hang out with them. Just don't tell them anything you wouldn't want anyone else to know.
  • i don't hang out with people that gossip...but if someone gossips about me, i just hope my life is exciting as they think it is...i'd hate to disappoint them with reality!
  • I love a good gossip and i like to think that im interesting enough for people to talk about me, let people say what they, what i dont hear isnt really gona hurt mee!
  • I try to avoid them, but you can't avoid everyone you work with. So I just watch what I say. Unless someone in particular at work is cheesing me off by something they are doing (or not doing), then I'll tell the gossip chick, trusting she'll run her mouth.

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