• Only in certain areas. For it to rain enough to cover the world would be near impossible, scientifically. The humidity would be so great that Noah would have drowned by breathing. But there is no doubting that there was a great, powerful flood in certain Middle Eastern nations, some time ago. EDIT: I'd like to clarify that at the time I had answered this, I was watching a documentary on the subject on the Discovery channel. That's where my facts came from.
  • Well to get geological proof, you would have had to live in those times. But I do remember there being news of Naoh's ark being found. Anyway, the only proof I need is faith, and if you do not question the bible, then that should be enough proof for you also.
  • There was a study that concluded that a flood in the area of the black sea could have occured. In all the major people (of all times) of the area there is written or oral stories from the Christians, ancient Geeks, and Mesopotamians that says something to the effect that there was a man who had to build a boat and carry animals, in order to save man and animal kind.
  • Although there has been some reasearch done about the "great flood" and a theory has been raised about the breaking of one of the "walls" of the black sea and the ensuing flood, there is no conclusive proof of the flood ever happening as described in the bible (there was a national geographic feature on the subject). What is important to remember is that when the bible talks about the "whole" world being flooded it refers to the known world at that time. Thats pretty much the mediternean basin and not the world as we know it today. Also interesting to know is that in the folklore of all of the cultures that existed around the mediternean there is a mention of a flood that devestates the "whole" world.
  • Proof is a very strong word. There is a great deal of evidence available that is consistent with a Great Flood, but I do not think it is possible to reach the status of "proof" because someone will always have alternative explanations for some of the evidence and other evidence may be unrecognized, misunderstood or misinterpreted. Fossils are adequate proof of the existence of life forms. Igneous rock formations are adequate proof of volcanic activity. For floods the best we can do is "evidence consistent with" because the very nature of flood activity allows its evidence to be "washed away" in most places (like hillsides and riverbeds) by subsequent erosion. _______________ LaserFalson: look at the question and the answer again. The Great Flood of the Bible was global. In my answer I said that evidence on hillsides and riverbeds (etc.) would be washed away. To claim "proof" of a global flood you would have to find evidence pretty much everywhere... but you won't. I stand by my answer that there is evidence consistent with a global flood, but not proof.
  • First of all you do not have to have lived in "those times" in order to have geological proof of any flooding. It is very easy for a geologist and other earth scientists to prove when flooding occured as well as droughts and other natural disasters. There is a good deal of proof that there was wide spread flooding, droughts, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes in ancient times (as well as in historic times), however these are certainly not world wide;known world or otherwise. As for the archaeological evidence (that is just as relevant here), there is proof that there has always been continous life and evolving civilizations in separate parts of the world since the first human appeared. The myth of Noah and his Arc--in this time of scientific enlightenment, is just not humanly, zooilogically or spiritually possible.
  • Yes, actually, there is. Last year there was a 2 hour program on television testifying to a scientific theory supporting a worldwide flood. The Bible states that before the flood, no rain fell upon the earth, rather, the ground was fed by springs. This would be an ideal climate for large reptiles such as dinosaurs. Scientists have found eveidence that at this point in the earth's history there may have been a layer of water between the mantle and crust of the earth. At some point in history, they believe that this water exploded from the crust, dynamically changing the continents of the earth and forming great rifts like the one that exists along the mid-atlantic sea floor. Water would have definitely "poured from the sky" due to the great force at which the water would have erupted. There is evidence that water covered the entire earth for a considerable amount of time. Fossils of sea-shells have been found on the tops of mountains. They are delicate and exposed, not buried within the rock. Also, floods and the aftereffects of floods create ideal conditions for fossil formation. Perhaps the reason that we have found so many large, almost completely intact fossils is because they suddenly died and were quickly covered in silt from floodwater. In any case, there is, in fact, evidence of a worldwide flood
  • There is proof. In three ways. 1) Every culture on earth has stories about a "flood" of some kind, with one man and his family being saved by a boat or raft (even Eskimos). Many are several thousand years old or more, some dating back to the time of the fertile cresent. 2) In every corner of the planet you can find, scattered here and there, a layer of strata that can only be fine mud or silt (even found under the Antarctica ice sheet). It contains the same types of elements all over the world and it represents the dividing line between the age of the dinosaurs and the age of mammals. Scientists all over the world recognize this layer, but disagree on what caused it. Forty days and nights of standing muddy water? 3) The earth is crissed crossed with ancient river beds, some over ten miles wide. Where did they come from? Where did they go? Near Vernal Utah you can stand and look at one such ancient river bed. It stands near vertical due to upheavel in the earths crust and contains virtually every species of animal, including dinosaurs and fossilized palm trees and wood, fish, turtles, birds, etc. How did they all die and get deposited together in one huge sand bar? Receeding flood waters? Conundrum
  • Yes there is.... ...this is NOT my religious background that runs this site, but it is good information nontheless.
  • Yes there is. The ark that Noah had all of the animals in it is on top of Mt. Ararat in Turkey, but nobody can get to it.
  • Sure, problem is it's the same as the proof for a uniformitarian geology. What I mean is, the evidence for both is the same. Same rocks, same fossils, same oceans and rivers, same canyons. The difference is the scenario, or model, you hold to to explain how it all got that way. The flood and no-flood models are interpretations of the same evidence, based on different assumptions, neither of which is provable scientifically. Here is the best Creationist web site I know of, specifically their FAQ page on the flood:
  • When speaking in a scientific stand There is no proof of a great flood engulfing the entire world, however, there is evidence of a massive flood in the oriental region(middle east) of Asia.
  • Fit two of every animal known to mankind on ANY boat and get back to me about the probability of this myth which precedes the bible by many centuries. Don't forget to include the 925,000 known species of insects. Oh yes, and explain to me how they spread them out to their different continents as well. I thought this was a silly story when I was six years old at Sunday School. Some mythological story had to explain the fossils in the mountains... a job that science has a more believable answer for. The very debate defies logic.
  • All evidence that supports an ice age, which is typically accepted in Science fields also serves as evidence for a flood. In many cases the evidence used to support the ice age is actually better support for the flood.
  • There is, but not biblical scale. It is impossible for rain to last the time period, and there isnt enough water on the planet to flood the whole thing.
  • There is nothing out there that will ever tell anyone about a global flood. However, there are two events that have been attributed to this fictional flood: One was a time when the Euphrates river flooded, and many people were killed by it. Apparently, a nobleman who lived in the area was able to escape death on one of his ships, and he ended up landing on a hill after the flood went down. The other is actually more of a theory than a fully documented event. It says that the Black Sea was once smaller, but flooded when the higher-leveled Mediterranean sea poured into it, causing it to expand. Here's a Wiki link that explains it better: Interestingly, many of the people who lived in these areas had flood stories. This includes the one found in the Bible.
  • there is evidece of a great flood that occured roughtly 5000 years ago in the black sea, closer to turkish waters where there was evidence of of a civilisation of man made works some 300ft from the present shore. robert ballard was the man who got all the attention for finding the titanic while woking for the national geaographic society, he and his team has identified ancient shorelines,fresh water snailshells, drowned river beds, timber shaped by tools, man made structures, radio carbon dating to 5000 to 7000years. 5600 years ago the mediteranean spilled over the rockey sills at the bosporus creating the connection between the black and mediterranean seas and there may have been the orgins of the biblical floods. knowing that 5600 years ago the black sea was fresh and having substially lower water levels, than the levels of present.
  • Great discussion. I am happy to see you all actually discussing this and not just bashing eachother. Makes me happy. I have some things to bring up for consideration. Most people think the Bible says the waters of the flood were 40 days and 40 nights, then dry land...not what it says. The waters fell from the sky/erupted from under the ground for 40 days and 40 nights. Then the waters were on the surface for over a year. I recently saw an example of the power of rushing water in a short period of time. (just one example I read about the other day in a newspaper) In 2002 the Guadalupe River in Texas flooded after ~30" of rain fell. A damn broke or overflowed and the water dug a 'canyon' supposedly a mile long 50-70ft deep in some spots through rock/limestone in a few days. I like what was said earlier about the fossils found up in the mountains. The only way for a fossil to be formed is for it to be burried. Millions of fossils are found all over the world as if something catastrophic happened quick. When animals die they usually just decay, not fossilize. There are fossils found of fish having birth, animals eating, foot prints of animals/dinosaurs/humans and they appear to always be heading in the same direction and maybe in if maybe trying to evade something(that one I could call complete speculation, but it is something to observe and think about). As for layers, take a bottle and put dirt, sand, water, and rocks in it, shake it up now watch it settle and make many layers in just a minute. That might not prove anything, but something to keep in mind. Layers can form quickly, uniformly. I think there was an ice age after the flood. If the polar ice caps were larger, and the oceans were a few hundred feet shallower that would make visable some land bridges between continents allowing for people and animals to end up on all continents. The Bible also talkes about the mountains rising and the valleys dropping. I think if water erupted up from under the crust and the plates shifted (there are better detailed geological explainations of this, I'm just trying to ramble out the just of it, sorry), you have a worldwide flood that lasts over a year, then an ice age over the next ~hundred+ years, ice caps slowly shrinking, oceans rise covering the 'land bridges', plates still moving...the earth would've went through some major changes in a few hundred -to- 1,000years. We can see today with large isolated flooding, earthquakes, mudslides, volcanoes, hurricanes, etc. what changes can be made to the earth in a short time span. It doesn't always have to take millions of years to have big changes. I am a Christain and believe what God says he did in the Bible. But I try to see evidence from a central viewpoint to better understand why other people believe what they believe about our origin. There very smart scientists, good testing methods (not all), good evidence, but from there people interpret that evidence to make it fit there preconseved beliefs (not all, but usually). I just think its fair to let people know and see the evidence for both sides and let them believe what they want, but atleast show both sides. Or just tell the test results without any bias beliefs. Here's where it tells the time span the water was on the earth: Gensis 7:6 "And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth." Genisis 7:11 "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened." Genisis 8:13-14 "And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, the waters were dried up from off the earth: and Noah removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and, behold, the face of the ground was dry.And in the second month, on the seven and twentieth day of the month, was the earth dried."
  • I think one of the most obvious proofs of the flood are the existince of the fossil fuels thousands of feet below the surface of the earth. How else would you have coal and oil form in the ground if there hadnt been some great catastrophe that trapped all the plants and animals in a fixed location and then buried them all together? If it was just millions of years of plants and animals dieing, they would just rot and turn to composted earth.How would you explain the millions of acres of limestone that covers the earth? What conditions would it take ,outside of a worldwide flood for limstone to be created? Jim in Oklahoma
  • I found this on this link: i thought it quite interesting and it may answer your q... just a long read though.. We need to realize that for the first 1,800 years of church history virtually all Christians believed that Noah’s Flood was a global catastrophe. It was not until the early nineteenth century that Christians began to abandon this belief, as deistic and atheistic geologists developed new hypotheses of earth history involving millions of years. As they looked at the thousands of feet of rock layers and fossils worldwide, many early geologists, both Christian and non-Christian, simply assumed that the Flood could not have produced them. Based on this and other antibiblical assumptions, they invented theories that those rock layers and fossils had formed long before man came into existence. They proposed two groups of theories. Some said the rocks were formed by a succession of regional or global catastrophic floods separated by long ages of time (a view known as “catastrophism”). Others said the rocks were formed by slow, gradual processes of sedimentation and erosion (a view known as “uniformitarianism”). These old-earth geologists didn’t do any experiments to show whether the Flood waters could have produced these rock layers. And because they didn’t pay careful attention to Scripture, they had inaccurate views of the duration, violence, and complex nature of the Flood. One result of their theories was that people began to believe that Noah’s Flood didn’t happen, or that it wasn’t global, or that it left no surviving geological evidence. The Evidence But think about it. A global, year-long, catastrophic Flood did happen at the time of Noah. We can say this with confidence because of the clear authority of the historical record in Genesis. We can also confidently assert that such a catastrophe would have left a massive amount of geological evidence, more than any event before or since. It would have produced vast sedimentary deposits, burying billions of land, air, and sea creatures along with much of the vegetation. And it would have done so on the entire planet. Then as the waters receded with great power from the continents, they would have eroded many of the sediments laid down in the first half of the Flood and redeposited them elsewhere. Our minds are boggled when we try to imagine the geological devastation. The worst floods since then are like a Sunday school picnic on a sunny day compared to Noah’s Flood. The geological features of the earth today are exactly what we should expect to result from such a complex, destructive event. To say that Noah’s Flood left no geological evidence or that it was all erased by the relatively miniscule processes of geological change since this unique event is an absurdity of the highest order. The Choice This small-scale example helps us understand how a global flood can drastically effect geology. The floodwaters (above) of the Canyon Lake Spillway along the Guadalupe River in Texas were moving at 107,000 ft3/sec (normal 175 ft3/sec). After the waters receded, carved bedrock was the result of the rushing water (below). So, either the rock record is the evidence of millions of years, or it is largely the evidence of Noah’s Flood. It can’t be both. If we believe what the geological establishment says—that the earth is billions of years old and shows no sign of a worldwide Flood—then that belief contradicts our belief in Noah’s Flood. If we accept God’s inspired, inerrant testimony regarding the Flood, we cannot logically believe in millions of years. Noah’s Flood truly washes away millions of years. While researching the early nineteenth century developments in geology, I often wanted to pound the table in protest as I read the writings of the old-earth geologists and saw how they ignored the biblical text (especially on the Flood) but declared authoritatively that their theories did not conflict with the Bible. At other times, I almost wept with tears of joy as I read the biblically sound, geologically informed, and compelling arguments of a handful of Christians, known as the “Scriptural geologists,” who back then were refuting these old-earth myths. Sadly, most of the church followed the secular thinking of old-earth geologists and ignored or superficially dismissed the arguments of the Scriptural geologists.1 The debate about the age of the earth is ultimately a question of whose word we are going to trust: the all-knowing truthful Creator who has given us His inerrant book (the Bible) or finite, sinful creatures who give us their books that contain errors and therefore are frequently revised. If you firmly trust and carefully read the Bible and become informed on creationist interpretations of the geological record, you can easily see how the rocks of the earth powerfully confirm the Bible’s teaching, both about Noah’s Flood and a young earth.
  • No, as if the entire earth be full of water, enought water to sail a boat with every animal ( there are other million of species of animal "X2 including both sex)
  • well if you search Noahs Ark on Youtube you will find that they found the site and the dementions of the mound are precise with the bible discription...Also the metals found there are considered space age, like titanium. Personal Idea i came up with was if you were able to take away say 15% of the worlds gravity the water would expand, being heavily compressed at the bottom on the ocean, hence the bible term" the waters of the deep were opened up". Like a massive tsunami the world would get flooded fast.
  • I believe that I see evidence of the great flood, but others don't see what I see.
  • Yes. Several books containing the proof have been published.
  • A recent program on the History channel cites a number of scientists who say yes, paralleling several worldwide historical accounts and geological indicators.
  • Suppose the Great Flood was caused by a Galactic ice cloud that the earth passed through, is that possible?
  • If you wonder did the Biblical flood really happen, then consider this report by Byron C. Nelson in his book The Deluge Story in Stone: “The way fishes by the millions are entombed in the rocks of England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, Switzerland, the American Rockies; the way elephants and rhinoceroses are buried by the millions in Alaska, Siberia, England, Italy, Greece; the way hippopotami are buried by the thousands in Sicily; the way reptiles are buried by the millions in western Canada, the United States, South America, Africa, Australia, to mention only a portion of such instances, absolutely require the explanation of great catastrophes for their elucidation.” In this connection, William J. Miller, Emeritus Professor of Geology at the University of California at Los Angeles, notes in An Introduction to Historical Geology (1952): “Comparatively few remains of organisms now inhabiting the earth are being deposited under conditions favorable for their preservation as fossils. . . . It is, nevertheless, remarkable that so vast a number of fossils are embedded in the rocks.” A catastrophe such as the Noachian flood could account for this. Around the Arctic Ocean there is a great swath of permanently frozen land, the greater part of which is covered with a frozen muck composed of sand, silt and earth. In an article entitled “Riddle of the Frozen Giants,” The Saturday Evening Post of January 16, 1960, observes: “The list of animals that have been thawed out of this mess would cover several pages. . . . They are all in the muck. These facts indicated water as the agency which engulfed the creatures. . . . many of these animals were perfectly fresh, whole and undamaged, and still either standing or at least kneeling upright. . . . “Here is a really shocking—to our previous way of thinking—picture. Vast herds of enormous, well-fed beasts not specifically designed for extreme cold, placidly feeding in sunny pastures, delicately plucking flowering buttercups at a temperature in which we would probably not even have needed a coat. Suddenly they were all killed without any visible sign of violence and before they could so much as swallow a last mouthful of food, and then were quick-frozen so rapidly that every cell of their bodies is perfectly preserved, despite their great bulk and their high temperature. What, we may well ask, could possibly do this?” The logical answer is that it came with the rapid change that occurred at the time of the Flood. With the removal of the insulating watery canopy, the polar regions were suddenly plunged into a deep freeze, trapping animals that then lived far north of their present habitat. The proof that this was a sudden event, and not something that occurred over a long period of time, is the fact that even the green grass they were eating was quickly deepfrozen in their mouths and stomachs, where it has been discovered in modern times. How consistent this evidence is with what the Bible says about the Noachian flood! VEW
  • Many believe hat the flood account is a contradiction between the Bible and modern science. In the book of Genesis, we read that. The Flood was so great that “all the tall mountains that were under the whole heavens came to be covered.”—Genesis 7:19. Where did all the water come from to cover the whole earth? The Bible itself answers. Early in the creation process, when the expanse of the atmosphere began to take shape, there came to be “waters . . . beneath the expanse” and “waters . . . above the expanse.” (Genesis 1:7; 2 Peter 3:5) When the Flood came, the Bible says: “The floodgates of the heavens were opened.” (Genesis 7:11) Evidently, the “waters . . . above the expanse” fell and provided much of the water for the inundation. But there are questions that have to be answered about this universal Deluge. First, is not the idea of the whole earth’s being flooded too farfetched? Not really. Indeed, to some extent the earth is still flooded. Seventy percent of it is covered by water and only 30 percent is dry land. Moreover, 75 percent of the earth’s fresh water is locked up in glaciers and polar ice caps. If all this ice were to melt, the sea level would rise much higher. Cities like New York and Tokyo would disappear. Further, The New Encyclopædia Britannica says: “The average depth of all the seas has been estimated at 3,790 metres (12,430 feet), a figure considerably larger than that of the average elevation of the land above the sea level, which is 840 metres (2,760 feet). If the average depth is multiplied by its respective surface area, the volume of the World Ocean is 11 times the volume of the land above sea level.”14 So, if everything were leveled out—if the mountains were flattened and the deep sea basins filled in—the sea would cover the whole earth to a depth of thousands of meters. For the Flood to have happened, the pre-Flood sea basins would have to have been shallower, and the mountains lower than they are now. Is this possible? Well, one textbook says: “Where the mountains of the world now tower to dizzy heights, oceans and plains once, millions of years ago, stretched out in flat monotony. . . . The movements of the continental plates cause the land both to rear up to heights where only the hardiest of animals and plants can survive and, at the other extreme, to plunge and lie in hidden splendor deep beneath the surface of the sea.”15 Since the mountains and sea basins rise and fall, it is apparent that at one time the mountains were not as high as they are now and the great sea basins were not as deep. What happened to the floodwaters after the Flood? They must have drained into the sea basins. How? Scientists believe that the continents rest on huge plates. Movement of these plates can cause changes in the level of the earth’s surface. In some places today, there are great underwater abysses more than six miles [more than 10 km] deep at the plate boundaries. It is quite likely that—perhaps triggered by the Flood itself—the plates moved, the sea bottom sank, and the great trenches opened, allowing the water to drain off the land. VEW
  • Geology and the flood. Men of science in times past held that the flood of Noah’s day was merely local in scope, but modern knowledge, particularly as represented in geology and archaeology, gives evidence that the world of the mammoths and other like monsters had a cataclysmic end, and scientists have found in Italy, Switzerland, England and the United States, “even on the tops of high mountains, whole trees sunk deep under ground, as also teeth and bones of animals, fishes entire, seashells, ears of corn, etc., petrified”; which could never have come there but by a world-wide deluge.—Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge Yes there is geological proof of the Biblical Great Flood , and it is corroborated by archaeological and geological findings. (See The Deluge Story in Stone, by B. C. Nelson.) As B. Silliman, formerly head of the geology department at Yale University, said: “Respecting the Deluge there can be but one opinion: geology fully confirms the Scriptural history of the event.” Jesus, also realized that the flood was a historical event. Matt. 24:37. VEW
  • Frank F.....The “kinds” of animals selected had reference to the clear-cut and unalterable boundaries or limits set by the Creator, within which boundaries creatures are capable of breeding “according to their kinds.” It has been estimated by some that the hundreds of thousands of species of animals today could be reduced to a comparatively few family “kinds”—the horse kind and the cow kind, to mention but two. The breeding boundaries according to “kind” established by Jehovah were not and could not be crossed. With this in mind some investigators have said that, had there been as few as 43 “kinds” of mammals, 74 “kinds” of birds, and 10 “kinds” of reptiles in the ark, they could have produced the variety of species known today. Others have been more liberal in estimating that 72 “kinds” of quadrupeds and less than 200 bird “kinds” were all that were required. That the great variety of animal life known today could have come from inbreeding within so few “kinds” following the Flood is proved by the endless variety of humankind—short, tall, fat, thin, with countless variations in the color of hair, eyes, and skin—all of whom sprang from the one family of Noah. These estimates may seem too restrictive to some, especially since such sources as The Encyclopedia Americana indicate that there are upwards of 1,300,000 species of animals. (1977, Vol. 1, pp. 859-873) However, over 60 percent of these are insects. Breaking these figures down further, of the 24,000 amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, 10,000 are birds, 9,000 are reptiles and amphibians, many of which could have survived outside the ark, and only 5,000 are mammals, including whales and porpoises, which would have also remained outside the ark. Other researchers estimate that there are only about 290 species of land mammals larger than sheep and about 1,360 smaller than rats. (The Deluge Story in Stone, by B. C. Nelson, 1949, p. 156; The Flood in the Light of the Bible, Geology, and Archaeology, by A. M. Rehwinkel, 1957, p. 69) So, even if estimates are based on these expanded figures, the ark could easily have accommodated a pair of all these animals. VEW
  • the ancient torah (OT) was based on even older sumerian genesis stories that were much more detailed: see sitchin...
  • It's interesting that after noting differences between Flood accounts from the Bible and ancient Babylon, P. J. Wiseman wrote in New Discoveries in Babylonia About Genesis: “The Bible account is simple in its ideas, and irreproachable in its teaching about God, while the Babylonian tablets are complex and polytheistic. The difference may be compared to that between the pure waters of the springs at the source of the Thames, and the contaminated waters of the docks of London. There are resemblances between a river at its source and at its termination, both are in one sense the same river; so in Genesis we find the story at its pure source, while in the Babylonian it is seen at its contaminated development.” As for the Bible’s being dependent upon Flood accounts from ancient Babylonia, the Lexikon zur Bibel by Fritz Rienecker contains the remark: “A literary dependence of the Biblical, entirely unmythological Flood account on the Babylonian stories appears to be, however, totally unlikely in view of the differences of both texts in manner and contents.”
  • No! What is there is an array of bipartisan writings and confected "proof" attempting to give credibility to this nonsense--no matter how many times they insult reason--in spite of mounting evidence to the contrary. The fable of the "FLOOD" is one of the pillars of the Bible. If the story is not 100% true then, consequently, other elements in the Bible may not be true either. And if this happens, then the whole theological house of cards could tumble down. So a great deal of time, effort, and resources have been invested by fundamentalist Christians to produce a wide variety of detailed feasibility studies, lengthy speculations and a good old fashioned: "WITH GOD EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE", to validate this babysh tale. All of these legends are EXTREMELY important to the Church to maintain at all and any cost. It's too much at stake not to do that. It could potentially--catastrophically--eliminate the authority of the Church and send the entire community of believers into stagnation and possibly into chaos. Ask you yourself some basic questions. Where all that water came from? The Scipture says that the waters prevailed 22feet above the highest point. But it only rained for 40 days!!! To cover the entire earth--22feet above the highest point--millions cubic miles of water would be needed. 40 days of raining would not do it! But as father Tertullian once said: "Credo quia absurdum."

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