• Transmission problem, maybe?
  • Transmission is stuck, it happened to me also but in my my case it was stuck on the reverse gear!
  • It's kind of hard to answer without knowing what type of truck and transmission it is. I see that this is in the Trucks and Busses category, does that mean that it's a semi truck? Or could it be a pick up truck? Manual or automatic? What Make and year? If, as I suspect, it's not a semi-truck, and we are dealing with an automatic transmission, it's time for either a rebuild or a replacement tranny.
  • If it is a G.M. automatic it could be the reverse reaction shell has broken or stripped and needs replaced, It could also be a failed clutchpack. If it is a manual trans then something has broken in the trans. either way the trans is going to require dissassembly and repair.
  • Your reverse reaction is not the problem because if it was your 2nd gear would not work either because your second clutch engages and drives your rev. raction splined to your input carrier. it would have to be your reverse band around your second clutch, or your carrier is not being held. you need a gear reduction, input sun gear driving your reaction carrier with input carrier being held

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