• Oxon Hill was named for the 18th Century manor home of Thomas Addison (which burned in 1895 but was replaced by another large Georgian-style home called "Oxon Hill Manor," now publicly owned, which has a river view and is rented out for special events). Today the community is bisected by the Capital Beltway (I-95/495) and is near the interstate Woodrow Wilson Bridge, whose gridlocked traffic (300,000 vehicles daily) backs-up daily into Oxon Hill until the wider replacement bridge is fully completed in 2008, bringing relief. (Thousands of white-collar commuters working in Northern Virginia's booming economy find that housing is cheaper in Prince George's County.) Highway interchanges and ramps near the bridge are also currently being re-aligned and re-configured. Oxon Hill includes many garden apartment and townhouse communities along with single-family detached homes dating mostly from the 1940s through the 1990s, including the incorporated town Forest Heights, MarylandForest Heights. In earlier decades, many residents were scientists from the adjacent U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, but very few are now. Oxon Hill's two principal shopping centers ("Rivertowne" and the much older "Eastover") attract neighborhood customers as well as shoppers from nearby Southeast Washington. Eastover, located at the D.C. state line, is a hub of many bus routes, some of them operating 24 hours a day, and has a Prince George's County Police station. The apartment communities closest to the D.C. line are informally called by their original name "Glassmanor" although this name has been changed repeatedly by different management companies. About 1980, the U.S. postal service detached and re-defined the lower two-thirds of greater Oxon Hill as a new postal designation Fort Washington, MD. To make mail sorting easier at that time, the postal boundary between the two communities was drawn to conform to already existing zip code boundaries. The result illogically left some streets that seem to be almost in the heart of Oxon Hill with instead a Fort Washington mailing address, which can cause confusion. Source:

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