• The best way to meet women or any person is to go to places that have many people and/or lots of human traffic that have a design for social interaction. Some examples- School/College, Church (or other religious institition), Skating, Museums, Library, the Internet (ironically), bars, clubs, concerts, and other places that are likely to have a convergence of people. Although making moves in some of these places might not be wise; they are great places for meeting people which could facilitate the opportunity at a more appropriate time. If you're very shy you might want to consider what is causing you to be that way. By isolating the cause you can begin to understand it and hopefully change it to serve you instead of work against. Sheer will power and over coming fears could greatly help. Confidence training can be found in many different instititions such as the United States armed forces and naturally the uniform will attract the women for you! =)
  • The best method to meeting women is firstly and most importantly by being yourself and by approaching them with a positive outlook! The only way to get your over shyness is to become more comfortable with yourself and the way to do this is go to places with a trusted friend, who has strong morals and will introduce you to women. Preferably, a female friend because she might go to another woman and start talking and then, introduce herself as well as you, then you can start in on the conversation. This way it makes you feel more comfortable.. The important thing is to be yourself by talking comfortably about your hobbies, interests, your job, your educational background, current events, what you did last week, etc. You might meet someone at church, at a company outing (e.g., picnic, party), library, supermarket, your college, wherever women can be found. Bottom line: Just remember, being yourself is much more likely to lead to women being attracted to you versus trying to be someone else. Women don't like guys, who are fake and just trying to impress them. Good luck with your search and I hope that this helps you!
  • The good news is that there are women out there who actually like shy guys - your job is to put yourself in their path and be met by them! Get out into areas where there are plenty of people, and preferably some excuses to chat in a natural way with men and women. A college course, or sporting or arts event are ideal, as you have a ready made topic of conversation. In general spend more time getting out and about, bars, cafes, parks, galleries- whatever suits you. Try passing the time of day with shop assistants (male as well as female) and the like - just discussing the weather or the news is a good enough start, and it gets you used to being friendly in a non-threatening situation. You don't always have to speak to people, but practice smiling at people and making eye contact with people you find attractive,(though don't stare!!), check your body language, don't stand in a corner with your arms folded staring at the floor- you'd be amazed how many women these days are willing to approach a guy provided he looks friendly and approachable, if you see someone you like, smile at them, even wink if you're feeling daring- and if she comes over, offer to buy her a drink, and just chat- ask her questions about her job, her life, her family- most people love to talk about themselves so she'll be carrying the majority of the conversation- don't feel like you have to go out of your way to impress a woman by telling jokes or being charming, just showing you're interested and friendly is enough. Eventually you will feel ready to do some of the approaching yourself. Don't be intimidated by women, we ARE the same species believe it or not, and we get just as shy as you do, we just hide it better a lot of the time! good luck.
  • I've found that the best place for a shy fellow to meet a female is the BOOKSTORE. Trust me dude, it's perfect, especially if your interested in books in the first place. And if you're interested in subjects such as politics, history, and art, then it's even more perfect. The setting is perfect for a shy fellow. Book stores are QUIET. Shy people are QUIET. It's a win win situation. And most book stores typically have cafes. Grab a book. It can't be any book. You can't grab a book on Lenin not knowing a thing about him and hope to spark a convo with a lady about it. You'd be made a fool. The keys are to find a book your very interested or knowledgable in and the rest is up to her and you.
  • 1) Stop being shy. 2) Make the first move. (If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got.)
  • kidnap their child and tell em the ransom is a date.. its perfect dude. jk, but really, the best way to approach a woman is first make eye contact and if you "feel something" in her stare, smile.. then, if you see her again, strike a conversation.. but don't just turn around and stop her after your eye gazing, it would be harder with less chance of success. and another thing, get over your shyness.. I got over mine by observing other couples, I've seen the most beautiful girls with the most hideous guys and I look pretty good so my chances are sky high if THAT guys are. not only that, take a look at past girls you've had relationships with, and know that if you were liked before, you'll be liked again.. I guess thats about it, peace
  • Grow some balls and just talk to them.
  • do something to boost your confidence. Make the girl ask you the questions, make her interested in knowing more about you. So keep a level of secrecy.
  • go online yo
  • You know there is no best way to meet women if your shy, but yea online might be 1 way, you need to find some way to overcome this shyness. Usually the first girl you go out with can help your self esteem and help you overcome this shyness.
  • Learn to write sexy erotic kinky stories. Women will write to you out of the blue, and invite you to meet them for kinky sex.
  • Meeting women online if your shy is not really the best way to go about it. If you come off as confident and what not online but meet in person and are very shy your going to blow it. If you simply meet them in public first and come off as shy... well there just going to think your shy.
  • Dating sites are good. You get to chat first so the ice is broken and first date not so nerve racking :-) Go for it :-)
  • Being a Man is difficult. One of the things that makes it difficult is you have to talk to women if you wanna get them. I know it's not easy. Every guy has felt shy and apprehensive around women, but you just gotta man up and do it. As nerve racking as it might be, you'll think back on it when you're old and smile at the time you were successful AND the times you were rejected. Going up to a girl you're attracted to and just talking to her with nothing to really go on is a great thrill. Embrace it instead of being scared of it.
  • have about 4 beers, hopefully by then you will loosen up enough to make a move but u wont be too wasted to screw anything up

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