• States have different rules about this, so you'll need to find out how things work in yours. I switched Junior High Schools in the state of Texas, moving to a district in a different city, and here's some of what worked. It helps if you know someone at the other district. A teacher who is a family friend might be able to help; better still if you know someone on the school board or working for the district. This person can help you. If not, you'll need to have your parents contact the other school district (they'll be more inclined to help them than you, sorry) and ask what can be done to get you transferred. Be persistant! Some people might try to shoot you down with a simple "Not possible!" Work your way up the food chain. Be sure you have a strong case for why you should be transferred. Why do you want to leave your old school? Are you being bullied? Is the school environment unsafe? Do they not offer the classes you need for college? Why do you want to go to this other school? Is it better academically? Are you hoping to get into a certain program? Explain all of your reasons in a letter, along with counters to any arguments you anticipate them having. Send a copy of this letter to the school principal, the school board, anyone you think can help you. If you're convincing enough, they'll help you to transfer over. I hope this helps!

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