• While singing, you can control your reathing by saving air. To do this, sing with an open throat and mouth. Part of controlling breathing is having enough air to start with. To do this, stand up as straight as possible, and, when inhaling, make sure your mouth is in the shape of an O. You take in much more oxygen this way. There are exercises that can help you. Sit-ups/crunches work wonders! They strengthen your diaphragm and widen its range of motion. The stronger a diaphragm you have and the more of a range of motion it has, the better you can control your breathing.
  • Singing is all about breath control and support. Try this, I know that this is going to sound nuts but it really works trust me. Take a breath in like you are sucking throough a straw. Then watch your shoulders while you are doing this make sure that they don't move, then let the air out slowly almost making a hissing sound. Then while you are doing this let your air out for a count of at least 28 seconds. Do not force the air out. practice that until you have a smooth release of air. You will then find out that you now have learned breath control and support. Trust me I know I've taken voice for almost a year and a half. Good Luck!
  • You have to learn to expand your lungs while dropping your diaphragm. This gives your more air. Then, look carefully at the song you are going to perform. Work out when you need to breathe and mark it on your music. Don't panic when you breathe in. Breathe purposefully. And hold the breath for a few seconds before you exhale, so that you get to the end of your passage with air still in your lungs and ready to take the next purposeful breath. What the others have said is good too. Put it all together. Vocal breathing is not natural. It has to be learnt as a discipline before it can be made to LOOK natural. All the best.

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